The magazine MAQ The magazine MAQ ART December 2018 | Page 92

The local Uki region’s residents feel that they are considered to be sabotaging a vast money-making enterprise when the Australian economy is already floundering with many families living below the accepted poverty line. The readers can gauge the seriousness of this apparent greed by finding out for themselves that riots are taking place in Capetown over the depletion of the underground water supply in that city. Day Zero is scheduled to arrive in early April 2019. Capetown police have already quelled rioting through the use of gas grenades. The government is now organizing increased police action over people exceeding their allotment of water, which is continually decreasing.

From the ancient Greek medical science’s philosophical, mathematical viewpoint the living process is evolving toward infinity. It is not moving toward the extinction of all life in the universe, which is demanded by Einstein’s world view of ever increasing chaos. Rene Descartes is so highly acclaimed in Western literature that he is commonly referred to as the Father of Modern Philosophy whose genius continues to influence the role of global medical science.

In 1994 the professor of neuroscience, Antonio Damasio, published his book Descartes’ Error acclaimed in the books introduction by the 1981 Nobel Laureate neurologist, David Hubel, as deserving to be known as a medical classic. Damasio condemned Descartes for “having persuaded biologists to adopt, to this day, clockwork mechanics as a model for life processes” (Damasio. R R 1994).