The magazine MAQ The magazine MAQ ART December 2018 | Page 84

This continuous affirm and deny certain concepts, it is found in many oriental philosophies, which for example, they consider good and evil not as elements in themselves and irreconcilable with each other, but as prerequisites for the balance of the individual: there is absolutely no good and evil, but a continuous fulfillment and becoming of one and the other; it is only the balance of these two elements that determines, in the individual himself, the ability to cope with the difficulties of life.

Shozo Shimamoto: shaved head goes around the world

Shozo Shimamoto writes:

"With my shaved head, in 1987 I went to America and Canada,

and then I traveled to Europe from London to Leningrad in 1990.

In 1993 I went to Italy and Finland.

He was greeted by many artists of the mail art

who wrote their messages on my head,

or they screened slides or even films."