The magazine MAQ The magazine MAQ ART December 2018 | Page 100

In the book Kantian Imperatives and Phenomenology’s Original Forces, this criticism is expressed as “Thus infinity is the proper dimension of ethics for Levinas, as it makes genuine [evolutionary] transcendence possible”. “With the infinity of alterity comes the asymmetrical relation of self...” (Wheeler, C. R., 2008).

In 1857 Louis Pasteur declared that the movement of the Earth induced life “endowed with optical activity in concert with a completely asymmetrical living universe” (Dubos, J. 1950). Pasteur had observed a living Platonic point particle under his microscope obeying asymmetrical electromagnetic field mathematical directions. During the 18th Century Kant established the foundations of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Science developed by Hans Christian Oersted, who discovered that magnetic movement generated electromagnetic fields. Scientists such as Michael Faraday and James Maxwell were all familiar with the biological interaction of Plato’s ethical electromagnetic mathematics with the Earth’s electromagnetic biosphere. However, during the 20th Century the electrification of America by super-rich industrialists, who were only interested in accumulating vast financial wealth, outlawed asymmetrical biological science to such an extent that the modern medical pharmaceutical complex is compelled to comply with that unbalanced mathematical dictate. Although medical science is capable of great accomplishments its mechanistic philosophical foundation, holding asymmetrical living information in contempt, has been diagnosed by