The magazine MAQ September 2018 The magazine MAQ may 2018 | Page 84


Bathysaurus ferox it belongs to the deep-sea lizard, which inhabit the tropical and subtropical seas of the world, at a depth of 600 to 3,500 meters

Cnidarian jellyfish Grows up to three meters in diameter. Red coloring helps to disguise on an ocean floor. There are no typical jellyfish stinging tentacles

Inspiration from

the depths

Anoplogaster Cornuta the teeth of this fish are considered to be the longest in proportion to the size of the body among all the inhabitants of the seas

Chauliodus sloani His teeth are so large that they do not fit in the mouth, bending to the eyes. It is believed that such a formidable weapon helps fish to inflict critical wounds on their victims while pursuing them at high speeds. This creepy-looking creature has a long dorsal fin topped with a photophore-the organ that produces light

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