The magazine MAQ September 2018 The magazine MAQ may 2018 | Page 81

Author: Natalia Morozova

Given the fact that consciousness thinks with images, views directly influence our feelings. As soon as you imagine something pleasant, a smile flashes on your face. Visualization is a mode of conscious image formation in the mind, which causes positive feelings. The universe reacts uniquely to our emotions and perceives only images and emotional thoughts. The world can be compared to a mirror that reflects perfectly our inner world. In other words, all that is and what surrounds us is, first of all, the ideal reflection of our non-external but inner world. The MAQ artist is a representative of the new art, describes a dialogue multidisciplinary between science, art and society. MAQ is a modern and international artistic movement created to disseminate,

through art and quantum science, the creation of prerequisites for a vision in the world of targeted innovation to find new models of life, new social relations in full correlation biodiversity in general at the global level. In search of the maximum artistic expressiveness, MAQ artists love experimenting with various techniques and methods. This creates a fresh and new world, viewed through virtual reality and transmitted directly to the viewer. They invite you to enter into other dimensions, where dreams and visions intertwine in visual magic. The MAQ artist is fascinated by the search for truth, by love for nature. Ideas permeate space, sound becomes color, painting turns into music, smells, images, ideas pervade space, giving the world a sensual aesthetic.