The magazine MAQ September 2018 MAQ Magazine November 2018 | Page 193

NASA has published mathematical research showing that such flat plane (a painting’s

surface) information extends electromagnetically to infinity (NASA website, 2014). Science- Art researchers have published about this artistic phenomena as echoing flat plane information being generated on the membrane surface of the cerebrum in association with atomic, electromagnetic torque forces functioning within the creative, artistic mind (Bustamante, C. 2004).

One of the earliest historical references to the magnetic properties of the mineral lodestone came from the Greek philosopher, Thales, during the 6th Century BC. In the following century Plato believed that the magnetic properties of lodestone influenced thought forms. These are associated with the emotional functioning of the human mind, acting as a mental compass pointing the way toward infinite, ethical living. Many modern-day scientists think that lodestone became magnetized from lightning strikes. Plato’s concept of a holographic, stereoscopic reality can therefore be considered to be about human evolution being influenced by electromagnetic vibrations in the earth’s biosphere. Dr Timothy Morton of Rice University in Texas writes about Plato’s electromagnetic thought forms. He considers that humans are now experiencing electromagnetic wave fronts corresponding to what he calls ‘Art in the Age of Asymmetry’ (Morton, T. 2012). This concept corresponds to the theories of the philosopher, Immanuel Kant, concerning the evolution of ethical, artistic wisdom.

MAQ/November 2018 / 07