The magazine MAQ September 2018 MAQ Magazine November 2018 | Page 119

MAQ/November 2018 / 07

The engineer, Buckminster Fuller, came very close to obtaining that mathematical objective in his book about the concept of a synergetic, infinite, living universe. Professor Amy Edmonson in her biography of Fuller’s ethical mathematical research, which was his effort to employ synergetics as a strategy for human survival, (Edmondson. A. 1987) in his book ‘Utopia or Oblivion’ gently chastised Fuller for hiding the fact that he had developed the theories of Plato. The object of this paper is to explain in plain language, about Fuller’s excitement concerning the medical implications of Plato’s genius, rather than debating the inconsistencies within the Nobel Laureate David Gross’s

philosophical worldview.

Albert Szent-Györgyi was fully conversant with Greek medical philosophy. In his 1972 ‘Letter to Science’ he wrote that modern science’s peer review system was unbalanced because it had isolated itself from ancient Greek intuitive, artistic reasoning. He concluded that “The problem is a most important one, especially now, as science grapples with one of nature's mysteries, cancer, which may demand entirely new approaches” (Szent-Györgyi, A., 1972). From the Greek philosophical-medical perspective the aspect of Science-Art mathematics referred to in this paper is an integral aspect of the antidote for cancer.