The magazine MAQ February 2019 March-April 2019 | Page 70

...Green is definitely the most widespread color in nature ... even at sea which in fact can reservegreen transparencies

Green takes on a thousand different meanings: from hope to peace: for sure it is reassuring and relaxing the senses ... giving us serenity

Some curiosities:

In the Rome of the Lower Empire the newborns wreathed themselves in the green to wish them good luck; in the Middle Ages they chose this color for girls looking for a husband, and then, once they had been married, they wore it waiting for the happy event.

The splendid Portrait of the Arnolfini Spouses by Jan van Eyck (1434-1435), one of the most famous of all the history of painting, kept at the National Gallery in London, shows a pregnant woman dressed in a sumptuous emerald dress, attribute of her status.