The Looking Glass Volume 36 | Page 52


Nina Rodriguez

Philippines, 1999-

Two loving people stand

In line in the rain.

Two loving people wait

Hoping for papers during the hurricane.

America, 2000-

Two loving people arrive

With nothing in their hands.

Two loving people look

For an opportunity in this land.

America, 2002-

Two loving people excited

For their first born to arrive.

Two loving people delighted

For this newborn to thrive.

America, 2006-

Two loving people thrilled,

For another life is given.

Two loving people ready to build

Futures for their children.

America, 2016-

Two loving people preparing

For the test of their lives.

Two loving people hoping

To pass and survive.

America, 2017-

Two loving people walked in--

Having given everything they had--

Now four loving people grin,

Finally glad.