The Local News Lifted | Page 5

The new mind-set that lifted me up be lifted In your health Kimberly Titilawo grew up somewhat sheltered. She wasn’t able to go out on her own or do what most people her age were doing. Her parents wrapped her up in cotton wool – and understandably so. Kimberly had a series of health problems that meant she was constantly in and out of hospital. Now a healthy and independent young woman, she tells us how those years affected her. ‘‘Back then, I felt as if I were living in a bubble. I was at risk of having a blood transfusion and my parents couldn’t take the risk of me having an epileptic shock when no one would be around. I understand them completely, but it was difficult. out unless I was with someone who knew what to do if I had a fit. Though it left me feeling depressed, I learned to live with it. It was simply too hard to even begin to believe that my life would be any different from what it had been over those years. My ill health started off with me having dizzy spells. They came once in a while but then they became more frequent. When it happened, I always had to lie down because I felt so weak that I thought I would faint. My doctors told me this was common for people with my rare blood type—AC. So, I accepted that as fact—I would just have to live with it for the rest of my life. It was my dad who brought me to the UCKG HelpCentre. He wanted the entire family to attend that day and it turned out to be one of the best things I did. During the meeting, I understood that God does have power, but I had to believe in that and take the necessary steps, like keep taking my medication, looking after myself and also go for regular check-ups. This was my part to play in making sure I was well. I was only 16, but I was old enough to understand that I didn’t have to continue in a downwards spiral. I wanted to be better, I needed to be better, and I believed that I could be better, so I changed my mentality. I decided to be positive. During my teens, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. This really affected my education. I was consistently absent from school because, every time I had an epileptic fit, I would usually feel drained. My grades dropped and it was hard catching up with the workload. My parents would not allow me to go This new mind-set was tested when I was told that the platelets in my blood were below average. This was extremely dangerous because, if the number of platelets is too low, excessive bleeding can occur – I had to be careful with everything I did. They told me that if it dropped any lower, I would need to have a blood transfusion. At times, it seemed as though the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me. At one point, I was told I had leukaemia, the next I was told I didn’t; then, a bone marrow operation was conducted, but still they could not find what was wrong with me. Eventually, I was diagnosed with ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) the condition of having an abnormally low platelet count for unknown reasons. I fought against the feeling of giving up. I believed with all my heart that God could help me through this tough time and could lift me through my troubles. I understood that God does have power, but I had to believe” I determined my recovery with each meeting at the UCKG and each visit to the doctor. I went back to the hospital and had my blood tested; the results came back positive. The doctor was really surprised with the outcome and couldn’t understand how I had recovered so quickly. The dizzy spells are gone, there are no more epileptic fits; I am healthy and I feel free! It’s been over 10 years since then and I’m still fighting fit.” Kimberly Titilawo GOOD FRIDAY 3PM also at 7am, 10am and 7.30pm The UCKG HelpCentre’s spiritual advice is to be seen as a complement to the scientifically proven treatment you may be receiving. The UCKG HelpCentre does not claim to heal people but believes that God can through the power of faith. Always follow your doctor’s instructions. The UCKG HelpCentre does not claim to heal people but believes that God can through the power of faith. Always follow your doctor’s instructions. 5 G o o d f r i d ay, m a rc h 3 0 • 3 p m |