The Livery Newsletter and Gazette Issue 29 Summer 2018 | Page 8

A Review of the Last Year At the conclusion of the February meeting of the Benevolent Fund Trustees, three longstanding Trustees retired. Under the Articles of Association, three trustees are expected to offer their resignations each year but they may put themselves forward for re- election. The Articles also state that trustees should not serve more than 9 years. The clock was started in 2010 when the Welfare Fund and Benevolent Fund were merged to form the structure we have today. Past Masters Stephen Preedy and David Glynn- Jones had served the Benevolent Fund and Welfare Fund respectively for many years before the 2010 re-organisation. George Lankester also retired, after serving as a was trustee since 2008 and as The lunch deliciously catered by Chairman Mark Grove since 2012. The Court expressed its gratitude to and his team at Cook & Butler and we cracked three retiring Trustees, particularly to George for his along at a goodly pace. Our guests were admirably leadership, having presided over the Benevolent Fund introduced by Liveryman Fran Morrison and our as it has gone from strength to strength. Principal Guest, Tim Wonnacott gave a generous and very new humorous reply which Mark I responded initially Two Trustees, Past to Master Gower-Smith and by drenching Tim have in a glass water - he Assistant Tony poor Scanlan, been of appointed and was Past Master Nigel Rich it was elected Chairman. very kind about (sorry Tim!). I was very pleased to show off the newly found Livery Grant of Arms At the time of writing, the accounts for the year to 31 and Letters Patent which have been missing for many March 2018 were in the course of preparation. The years - our Clerk tenaciously sought them out, and following review is based on unaudited figures. the new Immediate Past Master, Chris Allen, and his IPM, Mark Gower-Smith have funded a beautiful re- Financial highlights for the year ended 31 March 2018 presentation and they are now resplendent in frames carved with tobacco leaves (or close to); Sandra also a huge seen since 1985 2017 and Angus General Fund located Welfare Fund banner not Total Menzies, Clerk to the Master Mariners and never shy Incoming resources of a challenge saw to it that it was displayed on the Donations 35,099 149,733 184,832 120,713 Quarterdeck. Investment income 129,325 147,107 276,432 229,483 Whilst all this was going on, apparently biblical- style downpours were being had all over London 23,385 - oblivious to all that drama we ended our lunch 296,840 461,264 373,581 and trooped back to the quarterdeck where Coffee, Cigars, and Cognac awaited us (I did mention that our Livery enjoyed dining on the High C’s..) and 191,939 328,139 317,478 which seemed to hit the mark – Liveryman Jemma 61,716 78,711 the torpedo 65,335 Freeman had kindly provided cigars 253,655 406,850 382,813 and had had them placed in souvenir tubes with our Crest emblazoned on it. Several of us also sported a limited Smoking hat - the originally Each new edition freeman Livery contracts to support Benevolent conceived as a sort of shooting hat, it serves its Fund and that obligation continues for life. The purpose urge so well as a “team” hat, that the twenty Trustees everyone to review their of contributions ordered, but basis. one remained by the close of have the day! on a regular Where standing orders lapsed, Thank you to the Master Mariners for allowing us the they should be renewed or replaced by a direct debit. use of the even venue, for being perfect donation. Principal You may wish to to Tim increase your a annual Please Clerk or attending Secretary and of the Benevolent Guest, contact and for the everyone giving my Fund if you a special need forms year such start. or help. Undertakings to repay Total 164, 424 Expenditure Charitable activities 136,200 Governance & costs 16,995 Total 153,195 Donations Donations increased significantly, due mainly to the timing of contributions to the Welfare Fund from the three main UK tobacco companies. The level of donations from liverymen and freemen continue to be a cause for concern. While many liverymen and freemen have adopted the direct debit system to make their donations, there is a large number who have had standing order arrangements which have lapsed. Benevolence is a key element of the livery movement and we have much to be proud of when we look at the support we have given many worthy causes over recent decades. There is much more we can do if more members of the Livery review and reinstate their donations. With the use of Gift Aid, we can make your donations work harder. When you review your Will, please consider a legacy to the Tobacco Pipe Makers and Tobacco Trade The Master Benevolent Fund. You can instruct the Trustees to allocate the legacy to the General Fund or the Welfare Fund. Legacies over £5,000 are invested as capital so your gift will work for years to come. During the year, there was a substantial legacy from the estate of one of our Past Masters. 3 8