The Livery Newsletter and Gazette Issue 28 Winter 2017 | Page 6

Tony Garrett


Members Gowned with the Livery
John Alexander Clark Compliance Consultant

Lost Brethren

Tony Garrett

19th September 2017
Tony Garrett who died on 24th October 2017 aged 99 , was a leader of the British tobacco industry and – as a matter of commercial pragmatism as well as personal enthusiasm – a pioneer in business sponsorship of the arts . Tony became a Freeman of the Company in 1970 and was gowned in the Livery in 1973 .
Garrett was chairman and managing director of John Player & Sons from 1968 and chairman of its parent Imperial Tobacco – part of the wider Imperial Group , which also owned consumer brands such as Golden Wonder crisps and Courage beers – from 1973 to 1979 .
The group ’ s leading cigarette brands , Embassy and Players No 6 , accounted for a large chunk of the UK market in an era when more than half of British men and an only slightly lower proportion of women still smoked . But the connections between tar and nicotine , lung cancer and heart disease were by then well established , and cigarette marketing was increasingly constrained .
The lunch was deliciously catered by Mark Grove and New his Freemen team at Cook & Butler and we cracked along at a goodly pace . Our guests were admirably introduced by Liveryman Fran Morrison and our Principal Mr Tim Allen Guest , Tim Wonnacott gave a generous and
19th September 2017
very Radio humorous Producer reply to which I responded initially by drenching poor Tim in a glass of water - he was very kind about it ( sorry Tim !). I was very pleased to Dr show Roy off Gehl the newly found Livery Grant of Arms and Chairman Letters of Patent Dubek which have been missing for many years - our Clerk tenaciously sought 19th September them out , and 2017 Ltd , Israel ’ s sole cigarette the manufacturer new Immediate Past Master , Chris Allen , and his IPM , Mark Gower-Smith have funded a beautiful representation and they are now resplendent in frames carved with tobacco leaves ( or close to ); Sandra also located a huge banner not seen since 1985 and Angus Menzies , Clerk to the Master Mariners and never shy of a challenge saw to it that it was displayed on the Quarterdeck .
Whilst all this was going on , apparently biblicalstyle downpours were being had all over London - oblivious to all that drama we ended our lunch and trooped back to the quarterdeck where Coffee , Cigars Television , and advertising Cognac awaited had been us ( I banned did mention in 1965 that , our but Livery sports enjoyed sponsorship dining offered on the an High effective C ’ s ..) way and which of building seemed brand to hit visibility the mark . Garrett – Liveryman – both a Jemma keen Freeman sportsman had and kindly those provided days an the Embassy torpedo cigars and smallcigar had smoker had them – was placed instrumental souvenir in attaching tubes with the our
and Crest John emblazoned Player name on to it cricket . Several , rugby of us league also sported and golf a competitions limited edition as Livery well as Smoking the Lotus hat Formula - originally 1 team , conceived though new as a rules sort obliged of shooting the company hat , it serves to remove its its purpose “ JPS ” livery so well from as the a “ team cars ” in hat 1975 , that . of the twenty ordered , but one remained by the close of the day ! Thank Garrett you also to loved the Master music Mariners , and 1976 for allowing he collaborated us the use with of Lord the venue Goodman , to Tim to for found being the a Association perfect Principal for Guest Business , and Sponsorship for everyone of attending the Arts ( and later giving Arts & my year Business such ) a – special for which start Imperial . Tobacco initially provided office space and secretarial staff . Other
companies were gradually recruited to what was for most of them at that time an unexplored opportunity
The Master
, and ABSA awards were instituted to celebrate the most imaginative sponsorships . The new venture recognised that commercial support for the arts could rarely be altruistic . Companies expected payback in terms of image and connections