The Livery Newsletter and Gazette Issue 27 Summer 2017 | Page 9

Every little helps… The lunch was deliciously catered by Mark Grove The tag line from Tesco’s marketing campaign also applies to charity funding. There are many good causes and his team at Cook & Butler and we cracked out there seeking support from the public and the approaches adopted by charities to get a share of the along at a goodly pace. Our guests were admirably public’s goodwill vary from sophisticated television adverts to “chugging” on the high street. introduced by Liveryman Fran Morrison and our Principal Guest, Tim Wonnacott gave a generous and In 2015, two-thirds of the UK population had very to which I responded initially The humorous top 10 UK reply charities by charitable donated money or sponsored someone. Overall by spending drenching poor Tim in a glass of water - he was are: giving was estimated by the Charities Aid very kind about it (sorry Tim!). I was very pleased Foundation (CAF) to be £9.6 billion, down slightly £,000 to show off the newly found Livery Grant of Arms on the prior year but the decline was well within and Letters Patent which have been missing for many statistical error. Although giving cash is the most 1 - our Wellcome Trust 992,310 years Clerk tenaciously sought them out, and popular way of supporting charities, volunteering the Immediate Past Master, Chris Allen, and his 2 new The British Council 981,762 and giving goods are also important channels of IPM, Mark Gower-Smith have funded a beautiful re- giving. A staggering £185 million was raised in 2015 presentation they are now resplendent 753,118 in frames 3 Save and the Children through bake sales alone. The London Marathon has carved with tobacco leaves (or close to); Sandra also International raised over £800 million since its inception, 35 years located a huge banner not seen since 1985 and Angus ago, and is generating more th an £50 million a year. 4 Nuffield Menzies, Clerk to Health the Master Mariners and 750,100 never shy Red Nose Day raised £73 million earlier this year and of a challenge saw to it that it was displayed on the Children in Need raised £46 million last year. Both 5 The Arts Council of England 601,174 Quarterdeck. events underline the power of television in appealing 6 Cardiff University 485,616 to the nation’s conscience. Whilst all this was going on, apparently biblical- style downpours were being had all over London 7 The to National Trust we ended our lunch 471,565 - oblivious all that drama The top 10 UK charities by income are: and trooped back to the quarterdeck where Coffee, 8 Cancer Research UK 441,546 Cigars, and Cognac awaited us (I did mention that £,000 our dining on the High C’s..) and 9 Livery The enjoyed Charities Aid Foundation 431,551 which seemed to hit the mark – Liveryman Jemma 1 The British Council 979,639 Freeman had kindly provided cigars 10 United Church Schools the torpedo 349,481 2 Lloyds Register Foundation 901,037 and had Foundation had them placed in souvenir tubes with our Crest emblazoned on it. Several of us also sported 3 Save the Children 785,579 a limited Livery Smoking hat - originally The top 10 edition charities are not necessarily represented International conceived as a sort of shooting hat, it serves its by the public’s responses when they polled about purpose so well giving. as a “team” hat, that of the twenty 4 Nuffield Health 767,600 their charitable ordered, but one remained by the close of the day! Thank you to the Master Mariners for allowing us the 5 The Arts Council of England 732,814 use of the venue, to Tim for being a perfect Principal 6 Cancer Research UK 635,145 Guest, and for everyone attending and giving my year such a special start. 7 The National Trust 522,165 8 Cardiff University 511,763 9 The Charities Aid Foundation 503,327 10 Oxfam 414,700 The Master 3 9