The Livery Newsletter and Gazette Issue 26 Winter 2016 | Page 3

you and it’s appreciated. I suppose I should mention the Chaplain at some point – David would prefer me not to, so to embarrass him as much as possible, I will add my profound thanks for his guidance and unique graces. He has plenty to occupy his plate aside from us and our trials, but he is unfailing there to support us and so it was a pleasure to be able to turn the tables and support him and Sue with a donation towards a new car, and a donation towards a new altar frontal for St Lawrence Jewry. The lunch was deliciously catered by Mark Grove and his team at Cook & Butler and we cracked along at a goodly pace. Our guests were admirably introduced by Liveryman Fran Morrison and our Principal Guest, Tim Wonnacott gave a generous and very humorous reply to which I responded initially by drenching poor Tim in a glass of water - he was very kind about it (sorry Tim!). I was very pleased to show off the newly found Livery Grant of Arms and Letters Patent which have been missing for many years - our Clerk tenaciously sought them out, and the new Immediate Past Master, Chris Allen, and his IPM, Mark Gower-Smith have funded a beautiful representation and they are now resplendent in frames carved with tobacco leaves (or close to); Sandra also located a huge banner not seen since 1985 and Angus Menzies, Clerk to the Master Mariners and never shy of a challenge saw to it that it was displayed on the Quarterdeck. As alluded to earlier, being a Master enables one to attend many interesting events and places. I have taken some trouble to “Blog”, usually with the maximum of five images added. It’s very hard for me to pick my top ten, they’re all too different and each holds its charms and memories for me. I think our events are more than a match for the others I’ve been too – perhaps the wine hasn’t been as old, and we may not have a carpet guard all the time, but as a Livery, we know how to really enjoy ourselves rightly making lasting impressions on all those lucky enough to become our guests. Whilst all this was going on, apparently biblicalstyle downpours were being had all over London - oblivious to all that drama we ended our lunch and trooped back to the quarterdeck where Coffee, Cigars, and Cognac awaited us (I did mention that our Livery enjoyed dining on the High C’s..) and which seemed to hit the mark – Liveryman Jemma Freeman had kindly provided the torpedo cigars and had had them placed in souvenir tubes with our Crest emblazoned on it. Several of us also sported a limited edition Livery Smoking hat - originally conceived as a sort of shooting hat, it serves its purpose so well as a “team” hat, that of the twenty ordered, but one remained by the close of the day! Thank you to the Master Mariners for allowing us the use of the venue, to Tim for being a perfect Principal Guest, and for everyone attending and giving my year such a special start. The social side apart, one of our principal purposes is to donate money to useful charities. In this we are no slackers and provide serious support to a range of useful – and very grateful – charities and consequently make a real impact on students and youth whose potential might not have been realised. We can be very proud of this tradition and have to thank the hard work of the Benevolent Fund Committee for doing so much on our behalf to see that the right institutions are getting appropriate funding. So here, nearly at the half way point, I’m pleased to report that I’ve not quite outgrown every pair of trousers I possess and am happily representing and promoting our cause as much as I can.. there’s still a good deal to come of course – and I hope that as many of you who are able to come and support Company events where possible, as I strongly believe that fellowship is one of our strongest virtues. The Master 3