The Livery Newsletter and Gazette Issue 26 Winter 2016 | Page 2

The lunch was deliciously catered by Mark Grove and his team at Cook & Butler and we cracked along at a goodly pace. Our guests were admirably introduced by Liveryman Fran Morrison and our Principal Guest, Tim Wonnacott gave a generous and very humorous reply to which I responded initially by drenching poor Tim in a glass of water - he was very kind about it (sorry Tim!). I was very pleased to show off the newly found Livery Grant of Arms and Letters Patent which have been missing for many years - our Clerk tenaciously sought them out, and the new Immediate Past Master, Chris Allen, and his IPM, Mark Gower-Smith have funded a beautiful representation and they are now resplendent in frames carved with tobacco leaves (or close to); Sandra also located a huge banner not seen since 1985 and Angus Putting the Company events to one side,and I would Menzies, Clerk to the Master Mariners never shy say that being a Master has (once the title and of a challenge saw to it that it was displayed onrole the has settled) been, and is being, a great honour - one Quarterdeck. sees and does so much that is the preserve of a tiny Whilst all this ceremonies was going on, apparently biblicalelite – ancient and services, many fine style downpours were being had all over London receptions and lectures, all tumble across ones’ desk. -Asoblivious to Master all that drama we ended lunchas a working I have tried to doour as many and trooped tomy theblog quarterdeck where Coffee, possible and back I hope will provide testament Cigars, and Cognac awaited us (I did mention that to this, but there are occasions where to my great our Livery enjoyed dining on the High C’s..) and are regret, it’s simply not possible to support – these which seemed to hit the mark – Liveryman Jemma few, and I am grateful for having such a useful set of Freeman kindly provided cigars Wardens had supporting me as we the havetorpedo been represented and had had them placed souvenir tubes with by either them or the IPM,inChris Allen, which is our a Crest emblazoned on it. Several of us also sported great relief. In addition, I’m further supported by aanlimited edition Smoking hatenvy - originally excellent teamLivery – our Clerk is the of many conceived as a sort of shooting hat, it serves its Companies and with good reason – as the Lord purpose so well a “team” hat, that of the twenty Mayor said in hisasrecent address to the Livery “It’s a ordered, butwelcome one remained by of thethe close of important the day! pleasure to over 100 most Thank you to the Master Mariners for allowing us the and influential people in the City of London – and use ofof theyou venue, Timbrought for being a perfect some haveto even your MastersPrincipal with Guest, and for everyone attending and giving my you!” She in turn is supported by Ian, the Assistant year such specialhe start. Clerk, whoa before joined our little band was a “Livery Virgin” – to an outsider, this world can seem perhaps a little bizarre, eccentric even, but Ian has taken it all under his wing and getting on nicely; We The Master are also fortunate in our Beadle - also learning on the job, Mark has grown into his new role and, in my opinion, “came of age” at our October Banquet for keep it running to time so well. So thanks indeed to all three of our excellent staffers, we’re lucky to have Masterly Impressions The Learned Clerk has requested a few impressions of my year to date and I am, as ever, happy to oblige. Because our Livery progresses the Chair in early June, the incoming Master is propelled into a short whirlwind of activity before summer provides a proportionate break. In some respects the whirlwind works because whatever follows seems positively relaxed! Within 48 hours of being installed, the Mistress and I were in Ironbridge (a Masters jamboree for all serving at the date of the weekend) with black and white tie, patent leather shoes and a good stock of cigars. It was here we met and soon cemented friendships with other Masters and whom we have seen many times since. By its nature this piece has to be subjective, and so from a purely selfish vantage point, I really enjoyed my Installation – everyone was very kind (or tolerant) and with a great speaker in Tim Wonnacott, good cigars and cognac, what’s to object to? As I am technically the “host” at our Company functions and like any host, I want all guests – members and friends, to have as good a time as possible – that’s partly why we’re here after all. I think I can safely say that this has applied to all of the internal Company events to date – the September Court dinner was notable for its large turnout and fine after dinner cigar; and the October Ladies Banquet was a joy in having so much space, the use of a magnificent organ and partially covered courtyard for one for one of the liveliest stirrup cups I can recall! 32