The Livery Newsletter and Gazette Issue 26 Winter 2016 | Page 16

The lunch was deliciously catered by Mark Grove and his team at Cook & Butler and we cracked along at a goodly pace . Our guests were admirably introduced by Liveryman Fran Morrison and our Principal Guest , Tim Wonnacott gave a generous and very humorous reply to which I responded initially by drenching poor Tim in a glass of water - he was very kind about it ( sorry Tim !). I was very pleased to show off the newly found Livery Grant of Arms and Letters Patent which have been missing for many years - our Clerk tenaciously sought them out , and the new Immediate Past Master , Chris Allen , and his IPM , Mark Gower-Smith have funded a beautiful representation and they are now resplendent in frames carved with tobacco leaves ( or close to ); Sandra also located a huge banner not seen since 1985 and Angus Menzies , Clerk to the Master Mariners and never shy of a challenge saw to it that it was displayed on the Quarterdeck .
Whilst all this was going on , apparently biblicalstyle downpours were being had all over London - oblivious to all that drama we ended our lunch and trooped back to the quarterdeck where Coffee , Cigars , and Cognac awaited us ( I did mention that our Livery enjoyed dining on the High C ’ s ..) and which seemed to hit the mark – Liveryman Jemma Freeman had kindly provided the torpedo cigars and had had them placed in souvenir tubes with our Crest emblazoned on it . Several of us also sported a limited edition Livery Smoking hat - originally conceived as a sort of shooting hat , it serves its purpose so well as a “ team ” hat , that of the twenty ordered , but one remained by the close of the day ! Thank you to the Master Mariners for allowing us the use of the venue , to Tim for being a perfect Principal Guest , and for everyone attending and giving my year such a special start .
The Master