The Lion's Pride Volume 9 (January 2018) | Page 23

Personal Investments Brooke Flaten I'm beginning my second term at LWTech after an eight-year gap in my education. This essay was a personal narrative assignment in ENG 99. It's a snap-shot of my career experiences without a college education and how I was lead to LWTech. “If you're able to attend college in the future, you could always schedule classes at night so you can be ‘on time’” said my senior high school principal. My mother and I just sat there, stunned, from across his desk. It was four months until graduation, but I was unsure if I would pass my classes in order to receive my diploma. However, I didn't know who to turn to for guidance. I fully admit I dug this hole myself but, looking back, what support did I have? After graduation I went on to work dead-end jobs, and not complete any college credits because making an income in that moment was more important than dreaming of other options. I was determined that I could earn experience and be successful without any additional education. In my early twenties I was hired with a large technology company, finally feeling accomplished. The majority of my friends were overwhelmed with college and writing papers; and I had stock options. Starting out at the bottom, I could see that with taking intentional steps I could stay long term and really build my career. After a year of going through the motions it was clear what areas of my skills needed improvement in order for me to succeed.