The Lion's Pride , Vol. 5 (Feb. 2016) | Page 75

Management plans: I will involve the following groups and individuals in my plan:  CascadiaNow- To help with costs of bringing “Peace in Schools” to Washington.  Teachers of every school district in Washington – To learn instructions on how to get children to focus their attention on the breath, relaxing and maintain a passive attitude  Each individual school district- To set up assemblies to inform the teachers and parents on the new program.  Peace in Schools- To educate the teachers on how meditation works. Peace in schools will demonstrate to the teachers and parents through workshops how the programs work. Budgets: The costs will go to training the teachers, and workshops for both the parents and the teachers. Costs will also go to incorporating the “Peace in Schools” organization into the Washington School District. During the initial proposal meeting we’ll discuss and firm out the complete budget plan.