The Lion's Pride vol. 4 (June 2015) | Page 55

whatever other nonsense wandered into our heads. After a quick shower and a fresh set of clothes we made our way to the upper decks and the commissary for our morning meal, but to call it breakfast always felt imprecise as it was the night shifts dinner and contained none of your usual “breakfast foods,” pork-chops with mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, salad, and far too much macaroni and cheese. Once we had all finished, we proceeded to the communal recreation room, merely a large box with a TV, a few computers, and a spattering of crappy books and magazines. This mediocre refuge served as the conference room twice a day for our Job Safety Analysis meetings, but as usual I was only mildly present as the upper ups prattled on in a wasted attempt to inspire us about having pride in our work, working efficiently as a team, and presenting the best face possible for the company. Once we were finally free from the meeting, our group split up, with me making my way out to the deck and the little dive shack that served as home base for my crew, a cozy affair with a large couch, TV, and video games for when we didn’t have any active divers in the water or were waiting on something before a dive.