The Lion's Pride vol. 3 (Feb. 2015) | Page 81

correlation between height and productivity/earnings: that taller people have “higher levels of work productivity and are rewarded accordingly in the labor market” (2014). Well, here is a reality check: For every generality there are exceptions. Just look at Tom Cruise, standing only at 5’7” yet his net worth is half a billion dollars. Besides, in politically-correct America, height discrimination is illegal under the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) law. Tall people can be nurse assistants, but not all nurse assistants can be tall. What matters is the individual’s genuine compassion towards helping others. Skills and body mechanics can be learned, but compassionate care can’t be taught. Nurse assistant can be either a demeaning or a noble profession, depending on who you talk to. It is a noble profession because you care for the sick and the needy; People who are not related by blood or marriage to you, yet receive your utmost care. On the contrary, it can be a demeaning job due to the emotional, social, economic and physical stress it entails: exposure to communicable diseases, clean-up of other people’s bodily fluids, condescending coworkers, fault-finding patients (healthcare workers refer them to as, residents) a