The Lion's Pride vol. 3 (Feb. 2015) | Page 7

looked for my grandma, but I couldn’t find her. Then I remembered what she showed me, so I drew out the needles and pulled the yarn gently. Just like that, I knitted and took it apart several times. Finally, I finished a whole piece without any mistakes. Can you imagine how excited I was? I just remember I broke a vase when I ran to my grandma to show her my knitting work. Since then, I have been crazy about knitting. I wasn’t afraid of making mistakes any more, and I became more and more skilled. I could knit longer and wider pieces. Of course, I still made mistakes. Sometimes I could find the mistake quickly, sometimes I found it after a long time, but I didn’t care, I just took them apart and knitted them again. Until one day, when I almost finished my scarf, I found a mistake in the middle of the scarf; it looked like a strange hole. I stopped and wanted to take them apart. My grandma saw it and said to me, “Have you ever thought about fixing it?” “Fixing?” That was a very good question. I like knitting and I like to make everything perfect, so I never thought about fixing it, but only doing it over again. My grandma felt my hesitation, so she said, “How about this, let me show you what I want to do with this little hole. If