The Lion's Pride vol. 3 (Feb. 2015) | Page 119

attention, and I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree. Did all my ADD symptoms go away? No, but I am working around them and have managed to be fairly successful without medication. Medication and behavioral modification therapy CAN help one cope with the symptoms. Similarly, one who watches TV all night and drinks caffeinated energy drinks repeatedly can cope with insomnia using sleep medication. Or, they can knock off the caffeine and read a book instead of watching TV and not depend on the drugs. Yes, I realize that those with ADD have documented genetic and brain differences from the "normal" population. I will say that I personally have suffered profoundly as a result of my ADD. My parents took me off my medication while I was in early elementary school and I had to deal with it. Strangely enough, when I entered college and realized I was paying for it out of pocket due to my abysmal high school grades, I learned to focus and meet deadlines. Would I be better off today if I had grown up dependent on the drugs? Perhaps, but I would not be the person I am today. I take exception to the idea that because I am fidgety, easily bored, a procrastinator, have to work really hard at