The Lion's Pride vol. 1 (Fall 2013) | Page 59

56 classes here. So we will move along, the number one thing you all need to remember is this: Go To Class! Honestly, it works. Going to class insures that you will get the information needed for most of your homework assignments, you will have a good attendance grade which contributes to your overall grade/GPA and it’s good to get out of the house, go somewhere, have a schedule or a routine developed. If you work better being alone and you have the willpower to be outside the classroom, not be distracted and get/understand all your assignments by yourself then (go ahead, I dare you) take classes online instead. If you are like most of us, you will want to be coming inside the classroom, sitting and learning. This is the best tip off all, Go To Class!! Second tip: take a college preparation class (or maybe two) that LWIT offers. Both courses HMDS 111 and HMDS 101 (College Strategies classes) are very informative, and the classroom structure is friendly if you are just getting started in college. It is a 2-credit class meaning; if you are taking other classes and you don’t want to be overwhelmed but need to be considered a full-time student these classes are the classes for you: especially, if you need a refresher class or are not “in the know” with technology these days. In HMDS 101 you learn