The Linnet's Wings Spring 2015 | Page 36

Spring 2015 su más secreta flor hasta enterrarla. Aislado así como el agua sombría que vive en sus profundos corredores, corrí de mano en mano, al aislamiento de cada ser, al odio cuotidiano. Supe que así vivían, escondiendo a mitad de los seres, como peces del más extraño mar, y en las fangosas inmensidades encontré la muerte. La muerte abriendo puertas y caminos. La muerte deslizándose en los muros. her pecious flower, awaiting burial. Isolated like the dark waters that live in deep channels I ran from this to that seeking seclusion from every being and quotidian hate. I knew people lived so, half hidden from life, like fish in foreign seas, and in the murky depths I met with death -death opening doors and pathways; death slithering in the walls. [Tr. Stephen Zelnick] Photo: Bolívar in 1816, during his stay in Haiti While “El Poeta” is included in Canto General, Neruda’s grand historical epic of indignation and celebration works by other means. In 330 individual poems, Neruda journeys from archaic nature (“Algunas Bestias”), to the world of native peoples, to the “Los Conquistadores” and their magnificence and horror, to the “Los Libertadores” and their triumphs and noble failures, to the establishment of the “Las Oligarqías”, on to the nightmare of his own times {“Los Muertos de la Plaza”), and up to “La Crónica de1948” (a stinging review of Latin American circumstances in ten nations). “Algunas Bestias.” recalls the jungle world where he grew up (Confesio que he Vivido, 1974). These vivid sensations stayed with him life-long and throughout his travels. His jungle contains brilliant activity and invites precise observation -the colorful iguana, the soft-eyed Llama, the sudden jaguar, the red-toothed badger, to the god-like anaconda. It holds tenderness and predation, life-engendering business in the trees, and deadly meals beneath the pond. The anaconda rules this realm of blood and beauty, a god feared and admired, and beyond human measure. Algunas Bestias Era el crepúsculo de la iguana. It was the iguana at twilight. Desde la arcoirisada crestería From the rainbow-like crest The Linnet's Wings