The Linnet's Wings Spring 2015 | Page 100

Spring 2015 we got married by a justice of the peace that night in Guymon.” Sandy said, “Damn, Cab, that’s some story. You sure lucked out when ya married Millie.” “Sure did. Best bookkeeper I ever had.” ** Archie raises up for a sneak peek but drops back down when Cab’s head starts to turn toward him. He returns to the old days. He was called Old Ralph and he was the camp cook because he was too old to work on the roads. Archie, when he first knew him, thought he was the worst man that ever lived. When Archie had things to do in the early morning, he would grab his clothes and sneak out of the tent leaving his mom asleep. He would run to the cookhouse and get close to the hot stove. He waited till no one was around and then he would hurry out of his pajamas and into his clothes. Always, just when he was butt-naked, Old Ralph would come charging through the door with a big smile on his face. “Careful, Archie, don’t burn your ass off.” When Archie was co-pilot with Buck Tom, Old Ralph drove out to the job with a pot of beans, cornbread, and coffee for lunch. When Archie reached the head of the line, Old Ralph said, “Archie! Ya done got poop all over your face.” All this humiliated Archie and he could not think of any way to retaliate. Far as Archie could tell everybody else hated Old Ralph too: the dirt was caked sky high on his hands; he chewed tobacco and spit on the floor between the stove and the wall; his clothes, everything showed dirt packed on dirt and he was stinky; worst of all when he served steak and gravy, he would snatch the steak out of the hot gravy with his fingers and throw it in your plate. Between throws, he would suck the gravy off his fingers with that tobacco-juiced mouth. Everybody said we was gonna die of some terrible disease some day. Ruthie was the little girl that changed Archie’s The Linnet's Wings mind about Old Ralph. She was the daughter of Mom’s best friend, Viola. Viola and Ruthie would come visiting and sometimes they would stay for a week. And Archie was always called upon to look after Ruthie. That Ruthie was a tough girl. One time she and Archie were sitting on a stump and she hauled off and slapped Archie across the face. It was a hard slap and Archie remembers screaming as he cried. Mom and Viola come running. “Ruthie, what did you do to Archie?” Ruthie replied, “He tried to top a feel.” The women laughed and Archie couldn’t understand why Ruthie got upset; copping a feel was what husbands did to their wives although for a long time Archie though they said, “Cop a field.” One sunny day Ruthie and Archie were sent out into the meadow to play. Mom said, “Archie, you keep your eye on Ruthie. Don’t let her wander off. Remember, we are responsible for her because Viola had to go to town.” Ruthie was excited to see so many flowers growing out of the tall grass. She ran wildly pulling flowers off their stems with both hands. Finally she sat on the ground and began taking the petals apart and playing with the pieces. Archie grew tired of watching and picked up a stick. The stick turned into a sword and Archie became Flash Gordon-spaceman. His spaceship had crashed and he lost his ray gun in the crash. The flowers became cat men and he slashed into them, chopping them down left and right. Wilma, his girlfriend, had been kidnapped by Ming, the king of the cat men. Now he must fight his way into Ming’s royal palace to rescue her. Swinging the sword with both hands he paused and looked back at Ruthie. She was still sitting on the ground, playing. He fought his way into the palace and destroyed the royal guard. Ming, all alone, drops to his knees and begs for mercy. Archie disdainfully turns his back and walks away. But he’s watching in the mirror and sees Ming pull a ray gun from under his throne and aim at Archie’s back. Archie spins and throws his sword, which stabs Ming in the throat and kills him. He has killed all the cat men and saved Wilma.