The Leaky Boob | Page 6

Links & Resources Help others respect the time and support you need in your postpartum recovery with a note like this one on your door to provide some suggestions to visitors on the boundaries and help you may need at this time. What every woman who gives birth needs to know about postpartum bleeding. Pregnancy is full of exciting changes, some info on what you may experience here. Mama Care Having a baby puts the human body through a lot and Dr. Lane Strathorne, neuroscientist, says that after birth it’s like a woman’s hormones take a nosedive off a cliff. Bouncing back isn’t as important as truly healing and bonding with your baby. A Time To Heal, A Look at Postpartum Recovery. Just because most of us can relate, a resource to share with friends and family on what NOT to say to pregnant women! * Go with the flow and trust yourself. That goes for birth as well as caring for babe after ~ Jaimie * Instead of lounging on a couch/chair, sit on a yoga ball and swirl your hips. This will help with the pressure and encourage baby into a good position. ~Kaynabess * Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it!. ~Cara * Keep moving as much as you can. It really helps with everything-swollen feet, back pain, heartburn, labor and recovery. You are paying it forward to your post partum self! ~Anita