The Leaky Boob | Page 45

Congratulations on your new bundle ! Enjoy getting to know this whole new person you ’ ve added to your life . We hope this guide helps you find the tools and strategies that help your confidence grow in your parenting . While it is often breastfeeding that brings us together , breastfeeding isn ’ t our true passion , people are . We may come together around breastfeeding but what keeps us together is the support and community . It is our mission to support people over any feeding methodology , as long as babies are being fed and loved and parents are confident in their ability to care for their children , we consider it a success .
All the best !
~ Jessica Martin-Weber Founder , The Leaky Boob

“ Parenting can be overwhelming at times and with all the joys there will also be the lows . Through it all , remember you are enough .” - Jessica