The Leaky Boob | Page 44

Links & Resources Freezing time isn’t an option but finding ways to commemorate this special time is. Looking for ways to celebrate your mothering journey? Here are some ideas. It’s ok if you didn’t enjoy the experience of pregnancy and birth, there are times when there is no glow. Exploring how to process that experience is an important part of parenting. Stay in the picture too mom! Don’t get stuck on the other side of the camera all the time. Keepsakes If you’re struggling with the baby blues and having a hard time, please read this and see if there may be something bigger going on. Postpartum Depression robs women of precious memories with their little one. You’re not going to be perfect, not even the perfect mom you hoped you would be. Nobody is. Don’t let guilt steal the joy of parenting even as you face your imperfection.