The Leaky Boob | Page 30

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Excited to get out with your new baby ? Or not ? Here are 5 tips for making it a little easier .
New mom worries can trigger anxiety about keeping baby safe when out . These safety tips for taking baby out can help you relax and enjoy the outing .
With so many options , selecting a stroller for heading out of the house can be daunting . Here are some tips on what to look for .


Babywearing is a great way to keep your baby close when you ’ re out and to keep germs at bay . Make sure you ’ re not making these common babywearing mistakes and feel confident .
Feel confident in taking baby out by making an informed decision on the infant seat you use . This guide can help you figure out what that means for you .
Buckling baby in safely in the car seat may seem simple but when you go to do it for the first time it can feel anything but . The Car Seat Lady is a wealth of info , see this video on buckling a preemie and this video on buckling a newborn over 5 pounds .