The Leaky Boob | Page 12

Links & Resources Not everybody has to pump and you don’t have to if you don’t need to. If you do need to or want to we’ll help you get started here. How nipple shape plays into bottle-feeding explained here. Moving beyond beginning info, go a little deeper with info on how much babies need, pumping in special circumstances, and how to stop here. We can’t tell you which breast pump is right for you but we can share some information on breast pumps to help you decide. Learn how to follow your baby’s cues with bottle-feeding here. If you’re pumping and need to increase your output, this method is effective. You’ve gone through all the trouble to get your breastmilk out of your breasts, don’t waste any, be sure to store your breastmilk properly! If you will be using formula to feed your baby, what do you need to know on how to pick a formula? Now you know the storage guidelines, here are tips on applying them. Pumping & Bottle Feeding Resources: Stanford University Newborn Nursery Pumping Video Hand Expression Women’s Health World Health Organization Formula Preparation Guidelines • “There’s no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to breasts so be sure your flanges fit you properly!” ~Erica • “Set up with everything you need before pumping so you don’t have to stress about anything. Don’t forget your water bottle!” ~Kari Pumping & Bottle Feeding • “Have extra parts on hand so you never find yourself without what you need.” ~Shelly • “Throw flanges in a wet bag in the fridge until next pumping and wash at the end of the day to save time.” ~Wendy