The Leading Deacon | Page 13

6. IF YOU COULD HAVE A 7. WHAT IS THE FIRST ORGANIZATION LEADERSHIP SUPERPOWER YOU WERE INVOLVED WITH? WHAT WOULD IT BE AND Wake Radio . WHY? 8. WHAT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT PART The ability to see the future . As a leader you always want the event that you are planning or anything you are leading to be successful and avoid any possible discrepancies that might occur along the way . So by being able to see the future , you are able to lead a group more confidently , because you sort of know what components will constitute success . OF BEING A LEADER? The most difficult part about being a leader , is making sure the people that around you are happy . Also , not getting involved in too many things at once can get kind of stressful . As a student leader you want to take on so many things around campus , sometimes it can be overbearing . 9. WHAT LEADER HAS IMPACTED YOU? Barack Obama 10. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? God , my family and success . 10