The Leading Deacon | Page 4

FORE WORD AILEEN ALGE Many years ago for the holiday season I received a Lite-Brite. The little toy consisted of a plastic box shape with a light bulb inside and many small holes on the front of the box that colored pegs would go into. I would spend hours putting different colored pegs into the holes in the font of the Lite-Brite creating different designs and patterns, but the creation did not fully come to life until the Lite-Brite was plugged into the wall and lit up. When leading it is so important to inspire a shared vision. THE LEADING DEACON | 04 As a leader one needs to not only see the final creation already finished, but also have the tools to motivate others to see their vision and inspire them come along on the journey to create. Much like a child at a Lite-Brite a leader does not need the Lite-Brite plugged in to see where they are heading, but their followers or teammates often do. The leader needs to plug in the Lite-Brite in order to share the vision of what is to be so that the team can all be moving in the same direction toward a shared vision so at the end a beautiful creation is made. "When leading it is so important to inspire a shared vision..." DECEMBER 2016