The Leading Deacon | Page 18

Leaders resemble whatever makes an impression on them. Effective Leadership is a result of intentionally choosing who and what SHAPES you. Effective leaders have determined to be MOLDED in positive ways that are essential to their development. Effective leaders overcome adversity and come out on the other side better prepared for the next challenge. Think about it, PlayDoh is durable. You can squeeze it, mash it, squash it, pull it, roll it, or cut it, and it remains Play-Doh. Why? Because of what it is made of. Little green army men experience "success in the set-up" because they engage with others. It's often better to spend 5 minutes face to face than to send a week's worth of emails. Effective leaders know how to plan well and with purpose. It's helpful to know the potential of your people so you can find the potential of your organization. Count the troops – how many people do you have? Count the types – what are the different talents in your group? Count the time – how can you prioritize your time? . More than any other leadership trait, vision pulls an organization forward by giving it direction. Slinkies allow for us to observe the process, grow, and balance the pull with patience. This teaches us how to pull through communication, reminding us that people need to know where we are going in order to follow. When we pull with courage, we recognize that although it can be scary to take risks, the rewards are worth it. When we pull by example, we refuse to send people down a path that we wouldn't travel ourselves. Hunter, Jr. , Ronald & Waddell, Michael E., Toy Box Leadership: Leadership Lessons from the Toys You Loved as a Child, 2008. THE LEADING DEACON | 18