The Landswoman June 1920 | Page 5

jtiiH', H)20 'J llf 1..\:\ I> \\ Rabbit Keeping. 1. A'\[) \\' orlloLl· u b · 1 1 1 · I 1.1 '· "' " hP t·c!lng' ·• •' lUu JY IS '~t-.\. llllt rt ... lin•• .. 11 1 1 t>. ... c '"' ,,. t · I llCiol liV t. t I .., lllllrt lo lC tJ01l1l 1 I 11 or dl'r to be . ' •~ l Wt , uf < U!llllHHl se11"" 11 lotl • 111o ... t 11111 Ollllllllll (I f oC 11 ){I ( t ... , ()Ill' Jlllht 1 J . I . I . "o po""*' .., ~. nunc .tlld tirPit , 11111it 1111 • 0 r IIIJIIO\; r • a 111 , LlwtltC ,1 ,..l fl''' uf 1 lliiiiOll r· \\'t>llld not llf ., 111 j..,., ' 1 "I I . " I ' u c.ur} <•11" ~~~,.r l:IIC lllll • t.S or the llh of illltt•k ll 1 t 1 ,, , r~; ft,thk In (X;< ur 111 t 1 H, rx[)l ru ru c of 111 , f 1 lltl • • r, no • 1 . ..1 I I ) n.tltt't Ill~\ ., ~~~ '~' or 7.t'.dous lw 111. bt. 1 1 \h wlv1< ,. t~ a bcg-mn• r i to ... tart in , 1 \f'f\ ..,, l, l.t) Ill~{ m~t '""~ {jlllt(; .1 me <( 1 :-.t , 1101 , L ,tlld g,tlfl )OUr I'XJWl'lliHI' a ... \OU " ''C) . ' Jilr ( ~~ ( g~'od tc·xt book., on tlw r.thl,'t, but jc; notlttll~ Irk~' pr:.u.t•< d work (()r lta(hing 0111 pi• Ill) ()\1.\~ t,;t lllllg f'\. 1 r) two "' thrt'f' 111n1llh.., dnwn to 11 j, ~hr>s from tlw tlc,,,r.,, ...,hid\ shm•ld ht ..,. rul Uf'd nnd n- III'C ll(•cl ,t!tr•r ( 1 h lttf r. tht' hr t. hut duf' IH'\\ ~-"·1·. ohf.e t I ( u 1f unbltnd . . ttrr- used n mid-... umm• r. C. I .\ll oulh wJII t •• B L. ~---------------- ... ,, tht · I<' , the book ... 1.111 .tlw~'.Y~ he thf'tf' f•>r rtltr~>nl f' J n ~I)( .1 king ,J uou t !lUll h""• 1 ah~ a)~ d i fT I'll' Ill i. 1 tf• ... h.trpl~· \)(I wee n brl'l'dzng nnd fat/l'uinr: hutrh•·s. 1 0 lilY rntnd the. former ,tn :-.• ldoru, if I'V• r, roomy ('IIOUg"h. 'j h(• aVPrngc ,.,j/1 , .tbout J~ !1\ 2 1 (,, l ..,hould be doubk? in <•rdc r to give a · do,. !>J , 1 c~ <·nough for ~xerci'>C, and to allow th( )Oun~ ... t,. 1 ... 10 leap and froltc and thus develop thc·ir limbs well ,mfc·r .:;e>veral ~mall hul1 hi" ... (', Lh with one occupant, to a large gl n •raJ P' n. a-. How She came to [Jtljieri.- in th<' latter the weakest go to the wall ond thu ... Wlltoo Fair. " n c-humb,.rs of your h~'art, • a holc- and groove, or ~\·<'ral holes, in thr floor \nd lN God'., air untl ::.unltght garni~h them. do<>e to tlH• back wall, d ust the floor rm1nd with Thf" tn ,,.,urc ... • \ ou h'l\'t clo·..,r ·nod the•,. ... o closr. dhinfecting- power, scatter ~~m·dust upon it, ~nd \\'ill ln-.f' thf: cn ... of th<•ir luc~ncv thf' latrin€" is ready. ):o sr lf-r,.::;pocting rahhit ''ill If d 'ep ,tnd d1mh ar·· pn,on; d. f<,rg"<'t itsC'tf in its own n<"<>t or f'Vrn frerling-rornM" >:ow does th" t'.trth dt ink l't',t<"P--i lt an wind-. .u j,,. if it hns l>Mn properly hou<>Pd -tnd tPndrd from '1 hat ''Hl'l~'n all th1• lon~-tollllPOlt:-l among animal<>, has naturall' .t pc>rf£'dlv Open afn ... h thosr clo\>r-., and bnng ~uu fl)r\h rorrrct attitud<' in thes<' littlt• mall~>r ... \\ hcn<"\"Cf he \11 ~ llllf fmr -.tore of ofTl'ring .... ~nd hkhl i' ~iv•n hnlf a chancl', ne; nn friend of Gallops \n• " the (P ... ttl f e-, of <"liLh·lrist. I Iome-;t('ad cM te<:tih ! \\ h' -;houltl 'ou gruog( 'our little h0111el) g ft-. :' \ty nicl'.::t hutC'h hnc; threr rompartmcnt-;-nuro,;crv, llld m ,, napk•n thf"\ wtll utter h p.u·lour, and mm·e the snwduc;:t and dropp'ngs evrrv other Cr:t .... lif,.. in all ib fuln~.:;s once "~·un da,·. a ioh of nbout two to thn-t' m'nut<'" onh B(" not n hoarder hut 1 "{)\'ndthn , "'l' Tn c;:pite of thr> dt'arn· -;c; of timhM". l '\m c-onv·nc-t'd \ rgu\!., ,, comeh th'\nk"giving. D( 'lr I ord. that it p:wc; onf' in the ton~ run to hous~ thf' stock \\'hat I ha\'e to ... t I gwt> not . . '\ow 1 g-ive roomilv and <'Osih from th<' first. Tf vou h.\\'rn't lh quick<>ning all jo\ within nn h<".'lrl, thC' c::pacr or th<' titnbf'r don't k<'<'J) rahbit ... 1 \ dorning t'ach of l'h\ mo-.t b}('<;Sf d da~" For the nrc;t, brnckl"n M c;mall dril"d )r.avcs arc \\'ith l"W'aut\ from the <;tore.> Thou g~\'('"t tn<': h,...,t, a' tht> d(')(" jc; lhhl4> to ("at up h:n or cotrnw. \ .. a< rili{ (' of gl.tdnc.;.., _,, illingl~. t\tr 1\\' ic; \'t"n hinding-, nnd oft<>n m0c:t injmiouc:; if l n ,tdM:ltion of th~' maje ... t\' " ttf'n in <''I:C'f'""' l'h,tt h,,., m 'd" \\otlds nod w.1r, ,..Jumher and Put f( 1t (tnrrcd and c:anded) O\'er th,.. roof, out- tluldn•n', ('r:.,. .. , .,iclt•. nnd , over tM whol· ... t :\t'k of hut< hr~ with \h p.111 in low ,tnd lnul..{hler will 1 bf'.\r. ~:llvnnizf'd iron (corru~:ltf'd) ... twcting. C'rf"''<'tf' th<' Lot~ \"n)\1 . in.:;idt> once a venr . \Vhit~''' a.::h tht:" innf'r '' 1l1co nnd U '\ ... - J -:'1 • •