The Landswoman June 1920 | Page 4

T ill L \ '\ D~ \\'0\I \ :-\ Poultry Notes. By W. Poweli-Owen, F.B.S.A. l~ 1111 tO ... p• (b OC:\ w . • odrl " ·dui' of }ldtcllittJ; Our duult ,.., l V( l ) • • c , bl t 0 1"' lllarl) )OU _."Ill ltnd th<' birds in l:n in lnt~ . . umnwr, .111d .1ftcr ) tl:'ld- 111~ a fe\\ t>g-g.... tilt'\ ''ill r~. ... t .~n•l <'Olll\.' int.o ~~~ ag".1in about J)C'(',•mbfor. lf \Oil ~l:l~\ h f()() 1:'.' ''."'I b Df'ct'tnhl>r or J l'ft' tlw · Ju ... t t t.!'l.!' .11 n\ •' llant·r-cg.., l'tMPttl~. \\ ith thJ,., .... \Olll ftrmul.t \OU "ill bt .thlt• t11 ... um up \Uir p,o ... pc'\1' for n<'xt w nt••r b' \\.1\ of <·g~-p oduct n. If \Ott t 11 llH ,ou h H onh \pril-hatch d lw t\)·bn I pul' ... ,h<'n I tmht J,, •• tk 1 he- rh w ... !.:'nth it "ill I" '\ 'tHlh( r r•n' ,,ur fir ... t tgg- j..,<·ollr('ltd If, on thr (•I h.tnd. 'ou . . 1) tl at thrN'-qu. rh r., t f ~ tJur h( .t~' bro. ,\ 1 ulh•t .. :lt (' ~L rch h.ttdl<'tl, 1 hu1 I -.h ,11' ) our , flt;rc .... 1ul t on!_!"r:llul.ttl' \OU 1n .t(h.llltt'. h:'( .Ill'-\' \OU ould -.!'Cure full wmt • .trh br r und hnd th~'m-.clvt-. \\ ith ,, ,urf, t ot late btrds from \\ hig"g~ <:.rn onh come late. O ne mu!)t be Ltir o n tlw pullets, .tnd not l"Xp<'Ct early l'gg <> from 1 l.alP··h((l . . t<><·k I • ~un not agaiJht th .. 1 1•lll ht . pm, (..1 "\1 ..,, bOil rcahz<> l h :H you ' bl l d • V(( 1 th' o o this 'Oll ' \ ,t r ly-w intt·ro(>gg pro <'m. 1 1 m k•• up th<' shoa l 3 g'<' b~ bu\ 111~ 111 <':trh-h , ~~ ' pulld'> !). f~~r<' n<''-t Cktol><'r ~<'Is in. . • ' •d Tu to H tnfer _QUill h<'rr IS nothing hk(l .... lu du'<-'<1 o~~ r.l tJ(lllls '," ll' rldc tp(.)ultq nte l'Onccnl• d .\11 t ht .... H u ~ put t t<. • ' IOU I t< p . a<.<·d S tn tlwir , .. ,, · mt • .,. I f 1rst \V('('( tn 1ptemb.r. or h qu'lltt"rs n hnut t1<' .\l ul-"-' pt• ml)( 1 .lt l.ltt sl. for tht.> V•-n H 1'>on that th? ' 1 n\ . . thc•m to s• tth down nnd to. commc nn 1-. "'In~ in 0 ( tolwr . I f , " " "0 mnny d o, you p I .tc<> tht ))ull · . 1 . I . 0 <'tob<·r. tlwn th(, q, 11 th~ 1 r w 1ntcr ,ty1n~ lOUSI.'" tn \\ 1 11 tak<• -.n·<'r.t l \\"( ·k<; to ..,dtlc down .tnd to • . K• I · ,J( ( u .... hlll\( d to t I l<'IJ )\(,'\V c;;urroundmg" ( )(_• latlll r ..,, 1 rt-.. If ~.-u put tlwm in Lh<'ir _ wintf r t)U~rt• ~ t':trlit·r t11< wtll ..,. tt l{' down too qu11.: kly and la, too • :t~l~ . ,\nd the.· d.tng S< h<"< numlX'r. Ont \\·a-. of adding . . tnture to gt o win~ pull< tc; is in -.r·p.trnting- th<' . . , Xb llirt'\ tl ~ th<'\ c <.tn b<' ,\-.c-<'rtaine<' quit~ ('t rtai n t ht pull .. b a rf' net gt·tting ... utlici• nt food: th<' cock .. rcl..;; \\i ll 't'<' th a t the, • have nH>n' th 111 their dut' . . h.1rc of food, . l nd will be robbing th(· pull• r.... all thf' tim e. ll ,l\e a place for ev<>rything, and (.\'erything in it... place ; take a wav the cockerels earl), nnd k~p 1 l•·rs.- 1 .wu (Contitlued on Page 138.) L" I Farm and .;q_ • [lolllt' ' J