The Landswoman June 1920 | Page 17

1 ,\IW I.S '1111: L \>II>S\\' 0\I \ :\ I \LK"-.-(('on/ttlllt•d frum l'ctge t.l;. ) Jo'J'~"" · - Pot :-.c·Nlling-., ~>) ringc: stem~ vf lru• FoiH .I.I · MU-NO rbcs may be· ov; n out of doc)r'). Fnllst.\S may lOJ.y)f'd :ag:11n. }.H\' NS (P, ns may lw m!'wn rrgul:trl). p 1 1 \IH;osllJM'> gomg out of hlu<•m mu~t 111 , k!!nt dl \ in or .,hould )I(• '>) rincr1•d twit' . ~ 1 t , •• h • I I 1 Wit l 1 tllanutt' 1£ po-,..,i},t,. . k. .Ku" l., - ~ 1 ut. 1 fl (.:f'JI ' 1 l 1 t-h·• I p Oault u 1 o~s 10 hts r'Hrden mt st h· • h' h l'> I •tVP Jw, 1 ut Jftd r<~~~·s Ill ts (!<•rt; he must love th,.m WPII I r . ttlll , tlW:l)"'· ( \ ( f ' • Jo'or th~' pracl1t ut pt \\•.ail untd the• a~ttumn, bec.Jll'-C in Junf: Jt is too lal'' to do an~ th1ng to c,trc for and trnd the rose during flowf'ring Linv·, and I think it bctt~;r to " , 1 i1 ;~nrl tc·~ l you all about th< pi tnt ng anrl pruning \\h 11 th< t1mf' c·om~·s i hut, nrvf'rth"'""''S, thf·re arc• 11111 o t l\\O useful hmtc., for to~c tultun. in Jun~. \ h'l'<',ll Sf'CrC't ()f SUI ( C"o'i With ro<;es, (':-op!:·f j, 1 Jly in th• nwnth of Jun~", is thf' fr•·quent u--e of th 1• hOf• If,,. tiH: b1~s. if .V<>"sibl 1·, ont.~ a Wf'l'k to thto depth 11 f t w o or thr~<' tn0'>'-thl<',. 111 thP cool of the evening, ~nd g•' '' thorough soaktngs of watf"r, to which a Jittl!· .., 10 ot ... hould lx· added, two or t hre<· tun• s c1 we 1 ·k :.nonting to thP weath<:r. Always cut ro~es, ncve; pull at the tre~>. 0! I just like- that; pulling any tlow<·r dof's a great de<1l of harm. If possible, nh' ·n s cut to a bud pointing outwards. \nu Chri.,ti na R oc;;sC"tt i savs :- • 0 happv rose, red rose, that bloometh lonf'ly \\ lu n· there a re none to gathf'r whilf' they love t h(·c• ; ·1 hou are J)(•rfumed by t11inc O\\O frawancc only, R1 ... t ing likf' incense round thee and abov£> thee, l'hou h<'ar<·"t nought save son e pure ~trram that flow-;. 0 happy ro..,e. YO UJl SU BSCIUPTION, J ULY· DECEMBEn, 3/ 6, IS NOW DUE. F ... erv dmp should be ..awd until vou ha\'1' On~' much a .. ::;o Gal'on<; It does not mntl r i \OU it a f•·w dav:.. You can turn it into thr hi>;hrc;t -o•.1c-ti"'llll..; '1'"'ht:~:n"hlo at th<• GrOC'i'r~-.\11 r----= ::;;~--'"""" C'l.tra 10 \'Ollf hou-ot·hold l{allon or a-; have to k N p gradt' Chr••:.r ""U r quirr Ut n~il'l h a " F \ R \1F R"' FRI F'\D" Cllri-<.>F. MOULD and PRE""· ami the book· 'ot of Ch,.rc;~'makin~ in,tru<"lions ~ nt with each onr. 11tis will t••<~rh . thr most lnt'Xp<>rirnc• d to makr hlf,!h· cla<;s rhN>'•' fir<.t timr. Thr " Farm•·r-' Frirnd " is instant in action onu contimt• ·c; working while you slrrp. !'!tt . ., and PriC•'" I'ost frt"'',:- 1·4 lhs., 16'·: ->-6 Jb,. 1S 6 : 1 3 w tu ... l\ 6; -t-• 1 tb~. JQ 6. ' ~•. have hundr ·ds of un-.olilitrd tt'>ttmunt.ll"· 'irnd for 1i t of ' 11 ' t'tl'r-i 1- 1<1 -J 'il\11""'0" S.· "()""· OTII \, \OR h.". PI ·:h Mcnt10H J'ap• ·r 1 THE WO~LD' 5 BEST. OVER A U/1.1.10\ 1 VD .f H1LF /.V USf HAVE SE"'tT S ECUI~EO 0:\ HIGH EST 0 :"/ E AWA~O S MONTH'S IN FREE EUROP E. TRIAL. a c W~I TE GUAR.A:"· FOR TEED FULL FOR PAR· T E"'J TICULARS. YEAPS. No 2 •· Oiabolo," with Staod. R. J. FULL WOOD & BLAND •31 35· Bevenden Street , H oxton , LO'IiOON, J'li. What Allotment Holder and Gardeners say about ( i'tfattfl/ act.t'ld .,.d,,. Tlu RITO Snli/,, Royal Llttw1 P4Unt). .:>". ll•·dfmd ~tr t , \\'. hurn, 1)1 " " " I "'rit~ to $ thing. I tri~l it on- \hrrow.... Cu• um!,i r -, D··an'l, and Tum;~tl'lle~.'' IStgn• u) A. ~1 \V'\ . " Ber) d• · n~," \\', <;l \\'ycoml>e R(J ut, H•,.,h Wycumb.•, Hutk<. "IJavinL! tb •·rl \ Our RIIO on 1 1 u\v r s. hu• t , antl \'~~..:tabtts fur t\\ u S<3~':ll)o w th the ven ix>o:t r• o;uhs. I ha\·, gn:at plt:nwr• in r~;commcndin~ 'it ~h crop of Potatoes. Onion<;, Rur nrr Oe;:n~, etc., ar the he«t [ h ~ve ewr ha•l I hav •tuite nmd<> up m~ m'ud to bm a~ifin ~'\t ' ' .1r 1 dO rKl t for~ t t. \ 11 rm lri<"' r•.do; about R110" t<;,i~t c lll \RI'Ill.R \'111 .1:\' ~I tl',O:"i R f"'O cnn ht ohtcmtr Tilt HololS,•fltt Co . T.trl , _;; 11, fun11rl 4vruue. Url'tli!DUh, li r 1()., : , t<•hr. ll ( U:J(' Ctlrrla .~ '111 111 l•·· o'\fra. ttS 011 ~6/1• 1 -: 2 ~'!• •-tlb on.! ; lh, q 1 1\'hr'll ~tutltn(! ()r 1rrs d rt(f :0'• .r•r So Ill rash • l11 tmlrr . RITO suits everything tha t grows. I , .... ._ll