The Landswoman December 1918 | Page 48

THE LANDSWOMAN December, I 9 I 8 Competitions When I First put this Uniform on First Prize HEN T first put this uniform on, I said, as I looked in the glass, That I was ridiculous, Much too conspicuous, My figure'~. not made for a Lass. Now my logs feel so easy and free, I'm as happy as happy c~tu be, For the breeches and smocks, More than ga.yeso silk frocks, Are pleasant Ior a ll eyes to see. This should be insist·"d upon When recruits put the uniform on. W They said when they got us to join : " It is time that e.wh girl did her bit, • .By combining duty TogPther with beauty And putting on Land Army kit." All can see that to work in a skirt Is to gather up mn.sses of dirt, But the leggings and breeches And smock t.hat just reaches To knee, why no weath8r can hurt. And all figures this uniform suitsA fact they should tell their recruit~. Ringmer Dep6t, E. Sussex (lp~tairs in the gloom of her chamber She dons them, tbose wonderful things, And as she reflects in the mirror H er heart with glad joyousn~'ss sings. She is sure she will never be sorry For wearing such garments as these; But, alas, for her rride in appearance, She has yet to be brought to her knoes. w. o. Next day at the long dining table There were visitors, two of them , there: One was the Iarmer·s fine brother, The other, a young minister fair. I must tell you so me more of the fam ily, There were Hcrbert, and 1\illie, age d five, Two v<.ry enjoyable bwthers, Both as sharp as a wel]-polished scythe. The dinner was nic:ely progressi ng, The talk flowing easy and freE>, vVhPn," Mi ss vVa.lker'~ a man!" shouted Willie. ·• I'm off under the table to see.'' Imagine the poor blus hing Land Gir1, fl:er henrt is quite robhed of it" joy. How she lvtl es the old breP-c hes and leggings, All because of that misc·. hievous boy. Could you have looked happy, I ask yo" , With a bov who was ''going t.o sec" ? And what made it a thousand"s hardn·, That poor blushing Land Girl was J\fE. Potato Gang at Puttingham. In leas than 6 weeks picked 100 Acres of Potatoes Second Prize lST to the voice oi th e Land Girl Telling of what she has done, When she put on her nt'w boots and leggings And found it was not all such fuu. PHILLIPA VVALKEn. L Of course, there were · other things with thP-m, An ovemll, snowy and trim, To say nothing of corduroy breecht>s, And a hat with a bendable brim. NOTICE S OME members of the Land Army have travelled by railway without a voucher and without the permission of the County Secretary, or anyone in authority. . The attention of members of the Land Army IS called to the fact that the Department will not pay these fares, and that the railway companies are authorised to take the usual proce~dl!lgs against any L.A.A.G. who travels without a voucher or without paying her own fare.