The Landswoman December 1918 | Page 41

December, 191 8 THE LANDSWOMAN WINTER ON THE LAN·D . The grass hanging with wet, hedges Jrippin ?, and the ground cold and sodden with rain, all tell of the need of a strong waterproof boot. If wet penetrates 'the boot, cold feet will be the result, but keep the feet dry, and a comfortable glow will infuse the whole system. The " MA YFLOWA " WARWORK BOOT is made on the same principle as the Officers' Field Service Boot, and is waterproof, comfortable, and serviceable. MAYFtOWA . - ~WAR WORK ,- -~ · ~_BOOTS Made in Tan, also in Black l Waterproof) 13 inches high I! inches high 55/ ~ 49/1 I ·················· ... ················· LADIES ENGAGED IN WORK ON THE LAND SHOULD WRITE FOR A COPY OF OUR WAR WORKERS' BROCHURE ... ··············· ... ··············· ... Ma::le in Tan and also m Black. Waterproof. I 0 inches high. Putte e Top, made in Tan, and also m Black. 39/11 Waterproof. 11 ~ inches high 75/- 49/1 I Tan and Willow Calf. Fringe Tongues 39/11 W .. ABBOTT & SONS, Ltd. 98 KENSINGTON HIGH STREET, (Opposite Derry & Toms) 13laQueen'sRd.,Bayswater,W. 239 Brompton Road, W, W.8. 121 High Holborn, W.C. 65 George Street, Richmond, LONDON Please m ention THE LAND SWOM AN when w riting to .4 d,•e rtisers. 299