The Landswoman December 1918 | Page 40

December, I 9 I 8 THE LANDSWOMAN reasons whv it was !uccessful. Papers should reach th• Editor, Stono Fi~ld, Kidbwok Grove, Blackheath, London, S.E., before the end of December. I had a letter the other day from the Editor of a leading daily papPr, asking me to writs an article on the "Beauty of the L"nd Girl." I replied that the beauty of the Land Girl was such an obvious fact that it did not seem Mcess"ry to elaborate 1t. Everyone !mows that work on the land has brought perfect health and therefore perf~ct happiness to thousands of women. Tbe freedom from the rcst.raining influence of town life and of skirts has developed the natural grace of form and case of carriage in ail our Land girls; and more-it has aw~kened In a remarkable degree, that innate !ense of beauty in woman which, were she employed in any occupation, might have