The Landswoman December 1918 | Page 38

7' H E December, I 9 I 8 LANDSWOMAN oi dilllculty. She will make the purchases of materials and send them to ·t he Registrars, together with the account, and the Registrars will make their own arrangements With the girls about paying for th~m. In most cases the cost will be small, and the !Zirls will probably buy the material outright, and in others they may pay by instalments; and again, In some cases, the Registrars have most kmdly undertaken to ad van~ the cost of the materials and deduct it when the art1cle Is sold. Anyone in the county may apply to Miss Jameson for help. 1. In certain districts where the girls are not so soattered, the Registrars havP most kindly suggested that the girls should meet and work at their houses at stated Intervals, but, in many cases this will be impmcticahle, as many of the girls are very far from the Registrars homes. In these cases the girls should, at any raw, he commuulcated with about the scheme in detail, and if possible bP. given a chance of_talking over the scheme with the Itegistrars. 5. After a sulllcient interval has elapsed, a sale of work Is to be held in Warwick, the profits of this sale (over and above the cost of the mntorials, If paid by the Relllstrars) to go to the girls who have made the articles. This will encourage competition among the girls and make them keen on th~ scheme, and all districts will be invited to send in the_·work their girls have been able to do. This idea seems to me to solve very largely our gr~at dif!lculty of bringing into any scheme for recreation the isolated girls on lonolv farms, who are too far away to come into towns or villages for cfub meetings and entertainments. If they are able to work away at their own part;cular pet needlework or hobbv, and then, when the article is finished, to send it into the sale of work, where every Land Army girl In the county will be represenwd, it will help them to feel that they really a.relive mem~rs of our big family and not solitary individuals working entirely on their own. So J hope that many counties will take up this scheme, or devise others equally useful and comprehensive. One or two letters must be quoted, because I think you will find them Interesting. v~ The National Rome Roadlng Union Is anxious that some of you <{iris should enjoy the advantages of becoming membors of the Union and follow the Instructive courses of reading suggested by them. The Courses this year inrJude "JJfe in Palestine In Ancient and Modern Times " ; " Englilh A ,.U:uUur• ana Rural IA!e" ; two Courses upon American subjects; Courses upon Art and Archiwoture; a conti•mation of last year's Course upon1the "Home Life of our Allies," etc., all of which shmlld be of considerable Interest. The Secretary, 12 York Buildings, London, W .C.2, will gladly supply further information as to the work and methods to any one who Is interested in readlng. The Secretary of the Scripture Gift llfission writes:.. In your last ls•ue you very kindly drew attention to the tact that the Scripture Gift Mission was \\illing to send a copy 1l1 a special edltion of t.he New Testament, which has been pre~ared for the women of the Land Army. "I have had a good 'many applications for the Testaments and have sent them, but I would like to, If pos•lble, make the gift more widely known, and would be ~:fateful If you would kindly insert this In your next Issue. " There is no charge for the Testament at all, hut If any of the girls would like to pay the postage (one penny), wo would be glad, but we do not make it a condition. The New Testament contains a letter from the King on Bible readJnl!.'' Honor Collin• su!igests that we might Invite in our Correspon· deuce Club dJscuss10ns on various subjects of 11eneral interest to us all. She gives as an example: "Does an mtlmate know· ledge o! Nature tend to make her more attractive or other· wise ? " I think this Is a very excellent suggestion, and I shall he delighted if you will write letters to me on this subject. It can be attacked from many points of view, and it will be interest· ing to find out what the majority of you feel about it. We will publish extracts from your letters and then sum up the results of your various opinions. THE SHOPPING CLUB.-! have made a great effort to persuade some of the excellent firms, whose advertisements appear in THe LANDSWOUA.N, to advertise in this number small artl?l~s which shall be u•eful to those ot you who wish to buy Chr1stma.• presenta for your boys and your friends. I know what a trouble it Is to some of you when you :tre far away from all shops, to know what to get and where to get it. I sincerely hope that advertisements may help you and that you will take advantage of them. So many of you wnte to 1\Sk me to buy fountain pP.ns for you that I am sure you will be pleased to see that lllessrs. W. H. Sm1th can supply you with one for 5s. 6<\. The Cleveland Manufacturing Company, whose announcement• have been a regular feature in our advertising columns practi· cally from tho very first, and who are so pleased with the results that they have taken two pages in this issue, have carefully studied th~ needs of women !and workers and make a speciality of garments of utility, paying special,attention to the parts which are subject to extra wear and tear, strengthening the pockets, seams, button·holes, etc. For instance, their farm smocks have double thicknesses of material o the shoulders, and in all eases on minor'refinements have been introduced which will be appre· ciated -by the · wearers. A hot drinl("at ni(lht, after the"round of the vards is finished, Is indlspen•ahle to the landwnrker. and Caley~s cocoa takes a lot of'jbeating In that ':direction. One might :write pages about 296 Pl,aie ml,tion TBII: L.t.NDSWOM.llll A special Xmas Gift Offerimf for~Hini'O I N your Xmas parcel send " him " that useful and compact little gift, the service-giving W.H.S. Self-filling Fountain Pen. For more than six years it has grown in public favour. Over a million in use to-day-each one proving its ability to go 100 per cent. better than its guarantee of two years' delightful pen-service. To render the W.H.S. Self-filling Pen more useful. W. H. Smith & Son ha