The Landswoman December 1918 | Page 35

THE LANDSWOMAN December, 1918 It's all Nourishment The children must have nourishing food. FREEMANS DEVONSHIRE CUSTARD is ALL nourishment. You will get the best out of a pint of milk by using it to make the children a dish of this " oh-so-delicious " Food Delicacy. Try it served cold with stewed or bottled fruits and try it served hot for supper on cold evenings. Insist on Freemans, nourishment. DEVONSHIRE THE WATFORD MFG. CO., LTD. because it's ALL CUSTARD (ManoJtiugD ireclor-G. HAVINDEN), Boisseliers (Boy-sel-e-a) Chocolates, Vi-Cocoa & Freemans Food Products, DELECTALAND, WATFORD, Eng. Please mention T!!K LANDSWOMAN when w'itine to Adverflurs, 293