The Landswoman December 1918 | Page 31

THE LANDSWOMAN December, 191 8 ~~ THE~~6mi=~wio~i~ivrn=iN~T8EWooils=~~~~ By MARJORIE BENTON COOKE, Author of " Bambi," etc. . n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~~=~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g CHAPTER XII.-continued. the truth. I've fallen in love with the uucst woman on this green earth, and the best part of it is she is my wife." He put his arms about her. "I give thanks every day, Nan, for the shock that threw me out of my gilt cage into the world of work, where manhoo'l is the only asset that counts, and success for the one woman is the only goal worth reaching." "Richard, I've been so proud of you, dear!" she whispered. " I want mora than that, Anne ; I want your love, and I'll work for it, and wait for i t - - " " Do I have to tell you ? Don't you know ? Haven't you guessed, Richard, my husband 1" Her arms were about his neck, and he felt her trembling. " Shall we go over and see the Judge for a minute ? He's worried over this case of his , and tired to death. I'd like to lend a hand to. ewry fellow that needs it to-night," Richard s aid. "That is the mission of happiness, dearest," Anne answered as they went toward the big house. Meanwhile Cecilia found Bobby restless and wakeful. She told story aftl'r·story, and each time when she thought be was safely off, he opened his eyes and said," Tan't do sleep." " What do you snpp9se is the matter with thESleep Fairy? Maybe she's been caught by the wicked ogre Lie-awake." " Tell me 'bout wicked ogie." " Well, of course, you know that the Sleep Fairy ru1es over the Land of Slumber. It is a very beautiful country, with the highest mountains f~r people to fall off. the widest rivers for people to swim across, the broadest prairies for people to fly over ; for of cot1rse that is t he way people do in Slumber' land. They keep falling off mountains and picking themselves up and doing it all over again, and swimming rivers with elastic banks, and skimming over pl;:Lins, so their feet don 't touch, yet they can't stop doing it." Now there is a way to get the Sleep Fairy to give you a good dream. You lie on your back and fold your hands, so, and ·shut your eyes, and say over and over" ' Sleep Fairy, riding on a moonbeam, Come and bring Bobby a beautiful dream.''' Bobby composed himself according to directions, and repeated the jingle over and over. Then he popped his eyes open. "She won't tome." "You have to keep saying it a long, long time, because she is so far aw