The Landswoman December 1918 | Page 2

l TS, OVERALLS, BLOUSES, Etc. L HEALTH BELT. directed to our SP ECIAL ATTE NTION isand all women Health Belt, made for land workers in outdoor occupations. This Bpdy Belt is made in soft natural flannel, much care having been given to the shape and design, and it will be found absolutely comfortable and easy in wear. This Belt protects the wearer from Chills, Rheumatism and kindred ailments. Waist measure only required. Price 7 / 6 each. THE "STANDARD" OUT FIT. HAT. Stitched brim, lined, close fit· ting, shady. 3/11 COMPLETE O UTFIT 35/- SH I RT. Well made and well cut. Buttonsatwrist. 6111 BREECHES. Tailor effect, laced-up knees, buttons at hips, straps and buckles at waist. Can be worn with or without Coat . 10/1 1 T HE "COAT SMOCK" isa - very smart Farm Overall with a tailor-made effect. It can be worn with the Standard Outfit. In Amazon 11/9, Mercerised Casement 12/11, Plain Zephyr 13/11, Khaki Jean 13/11. Munition Brown Jean 14/11. .,;...---- HE" YOKE SMOCK" is a well· T designed Farm Smock , smart in appearance, anci can be worn with the Standard Outfit. In Amazon 11/9 Mercerised Casement 12111,' Zephyr 13/11, Khaki Jean 13/11. Munition BrownJean14/11. PUTTEES. Standard size. Army pattern. Full length, cut on bias, long tapes to fasten. 2! 11 Sizes : SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE THE "IDEAL'' HAT. All our Garments guaranteed well made and wearing parts specially strengthened Agents: Mr. FREDERICK PLUCK, CompleteOutfitter, BRAINTREE, ESSEX. Messrs. S. &: H. BANBURY, HIGH ST., DORKING. For Landworkersand others. Very smart in appearance. Brim is made to turn down to form a Storm proof hat as shown. Close fitting, light, cloth appearance, neutral colour, absolutely waterproof, and no leakage is possible. 4/11 With small Brim 3/11 T HE "STAND ARD" Outfit is well designed and made. It is buckled at the waist and fits closely. thus permitting work to be done in ease and comfort. The ·• Agricola" Overall, the Coat Smock and the Yoke Smock can he worn with this outfit, The Hat, which can be obtained in Khald Jean or Waterproof Cloth, is smart, comfortable and shady, Coat (" Agricola,' ' Coat Smock or Yoke Smock)13/11. Breeches 10/11, Puttees 2/11, Shirt 6/11, Hat 3/ 1 1 COMPLETE OUTFIT 35/- SEE A LSO INSIDE P A GE OF BACK COVER. ..... HE "AGRICOLA" OUTFIT, T as illustrated, is an ideal land· worker's outfit, well and smartly made. All wearing parts are speciallY strengthened and always give sat.i sfaction. Price, in Superior Quahty Khaki Jean. Overall (40 in. long) and Breeches (small, medium or large) 18111, Puttees, per pair, 2/11. Hat (Khaki Jean or Waterproof), 3/11. Although War conditions will not permit us to send goods on approval, you obtain equal assurance of va lue by our guarantee of sa tisfaction or money r eturned in full . A L L GOO D S S E NT P O ST FREE. WRITE AT ONCE FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST THE CLEVELAND MANUFACTUR ING COMPANY 54d, CLEVELAND ST., FITZ ROY S Q ., LONDON, W. 1 (Proprietors: Chamberlain & Co., Ltd.) Ptease menflon THE LANDSWOMAN when writzng to A dverttsers.