The Landswoman December 1918 | Page 16

December, 1918 THE LANDSWOMAN Oranges and Lemons. If we desire to develop a more vital social order and more corporate life in our villages, we have here one of the best means. The true democracy of art breaks down barriers of class and position. No amount of social prestige or wealth can make a bad dancer or singer into a good one ; only practice can do that, and sometimes not even then. To pass outside the limits of the village, we feel that we have in these simple arts somet.hing more precious for our national life than gold, and that we are giving to the people in the villages and the people in the towns a common national language. We may help t.hem to hasten the day of the poet's vision of "a happy and a lovely folk who had cast away riches and attained to we::~.lth." MAy ELI.IOT HOBBS. "The Christmas Sesdon of the Stratford-upon·Avon ~chool of Folk·Song and Dance will be held thiR year from Saturday, December 28th, to January Rth. All information from the Secretary, Box Office, Stratfor-upon-A von (tel. : 45, Stra.tfordupon-Avon), or the Secretary, E.F.D.S. , 73, Avenue Chamber< , Vernon Place, London, W.C.l. FORT-REVIVER FORTIFIES AND REVIVES F ORT-REVIVER is composed of the FINEST concentrated FRUIT jUICES and will be found to be a most HEALTH-GIVING TONIC. It contains wonderful FoRTIFYING and REVIVING powers, and is strongly recommended for those wishing to retain their HEALTH and STRENGTH. Those who take it regularly will be taking care of their HEALTH as well as consulting their pleasure. The most acceptable Xmas G1it to your friends is to give them HEALTH for the coming YEAR. FORT-REVIVER insures perfect HEALTH. In origjnal cases, beautifully packed, 1 case, 12 large size bottles . .. 1 case, 12 smaller size bottles £ 3 £ 2 6 5 0 0 FORT- REVIVER NEWMAN'S A NON-ALCOHOLIC LIQUEUR TONIC FRUIT FOOD DOUBLE HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. ENTIRELY BRITISH MADE AND NON-ALCOHOLIC. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. 5/6 Large Size Bottle. 3/9 Smaller!Size Bottle.; Luscious, Fresn, and British. Should you find any difficulty in obtaining Newman's "FORT-REVIVER," apply to H. &. C. NEWMAN, London Office, 41-42, UPPER RATHBONE PLACE, W.l 74 P lease m ention THE LANDS WOMAN when writing to Advertisers.