The Kimberley School Newsletter October 2016 | Page 3

House Base has moved and is now located next to the Learning Hub . With the move comes a change in the house teams and new roles and titles :
Boot House Performance Leader is Miss Cooper Boot Assistant House Performance Leader is Mr Tuck Clough House Performance Leader is Mrs Blacow Clough Assistant House Performance Leader is Mrs Taylor Clough Assistant House Performance Leader on Wednesdays is Miss Hanks Lawrence House Performance Leader is Mr Allen Lawrence Assistant House Performance Leader is Mrs Ryan Nightingale House Performance Leader is Mrs Sutter-Hunt Nightingale Assistant House Performance Leader is Mrs Blythe Nightingale Assistant House Performance Leader on Friday is Miss Gunn Year 7 Performance Leader is Mr Field Assistant Year 7 Performance Leader is Miss Webb Year 11 Performance Leader is Mr Williamson Assistant Year 11 Performance Leader is Mr Clark
This month the Pastoral foci have been setting goals and challenges , resilience and hard work , sexting and internet safety , ‘ Brexit ’, Tolerance and freedom and liberty . Pupils have looked at these topics in assemblies and taken part in discussions and learning activities .

House News

Senior Students
Applications are open for current Year 11s who want to become senior students . See Mr Williamson or Mr Clark for more information .
If you are in Year 10 and would like to become a senior student next year , you can ask your tutor for more details . It ’ s a fantastic way to represent the school and be a role model for younger students . It also looks great on your CV when you leave school .
Sexting & Internet Safety We all have seen and heard on the news the dangers of sending provocative emails , texts and videos but children often don ’ t realise the consequences of their actions . Pupils from the Student Council created an informative assembly for their peers which gave lots of great advice . Here is some further advice from Childline for pupils :
What you need to know about sexting :
• Once you send a message , you can ' t control what happens to it
• Don ' t let someone guilt or pressure you into sending a sex text
• If you ' ve sent a nude pic , have an honest conversation with the person you sent it to . Ask them to delete it
• If an indecent or nude pic of you is posted online , you can contact the website directly or speak to a Childline counsellor about having it removed .
Childline has a great website which has good advice on lots of topics to do with internet safety , including Sexting . It can be helpful for both pupils and parents / guardians and is found at : https :// www . childline . org . uk / info-advice / bullying-abuse-safety / online-mobile-safety / sexting
Remember , sending pictures like this of under 18s is against the law and can also be really embarrassing if they get into the wrong hands . The best advice is do not send anything you wouldn ’ t want your teacher to see .
Brexit Pupils have been looking at the impact Brexit might have on the UK .
Tolerance We have been encouraging pupils to have a fair , objective , and permissive attitude toward opinions , beliefs , and practices that differ from their own .
Along with these topics pupils , have been spending time reading in DEAR ( Drop Everything And Read ) which will help them towards their goals in the school Readathon , we have been working out mobile phone tariffs in numeracy tasks and competitions have been running for Year 7 towards House Points totals .
Towards the end of term , the House Performance Leaders are looking forward to handing out certificates to pupils with the most achievement points , but there is still time to gain points . This can be done through good citizenship , outstanding work and useful contribution to lessons amongst other things .
If parents / carers have any problems they wish to discuss the best person to talk to is the student ’ s tutor . A note or email to K . Officemail @ kimberleyschool . co . uk can be passed on to the relevant tutor . House Performance Leaders are also available to help with serious concerns .
Setting Goals and Challenges , Resilience and Hard Work
This year we are raising aspirations across the board and encouraging our students to aim higher . In assemblies we have discussed targets , goals and challenges we all face and , in particular , how we want to see Kimberley pupils aiming high to achieve our full potential . We have introduced ‘ Kimberley School Targets ’ to help pupils do this , so that all pupils are striving to do their very best and leave school with fantastic qualifications .
Freedom and Liberty We have discussed the Human Rights Act , what it means and how we can strive to help others who are not as fortunate as us in the UK to have their rights protected . We looked at what a Democracy is and how it works .
Road Safety The numbers of people choosing to cycle for fun , fitness or to get to work and school has increased by more than a quarter in twenty years , and an incredible 3.2 billion miles are cycled on our roads every year .
Many of our students also choose to cycle to and from school . Despite having its obvious health benefits , cycling also has its dangers . We encourage our students to be careful when riding to and from school .
The Highway Code states that :
• A cycle helmet and appropriate clothing should be worn
• Reflective clothing and / or accessories are essential
• Lights must be fitted to bikes when used in the dark
• You MUST NOT cycle on the pavement and use cycle lanes where possible
• You MUST obey traffic lights and other road signs
As a school , we would like parents to ensure children wear a helmet and reflective clothing when cycling to and from school , especially as the nights get darker .