The Kharisma Magazine The Kharisma Magazine (Full) Premiere Issue | Page 144

144 { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } K H A R I S M A the information. I’ve also started doing Facebook Lives with some just easy tips, just quick tips for Law of Attraction just to sort of give everyone a little reminder every day of how they can just maybe have a different perspective and then create a different outcome. Kharisma: Awesome. Any last words that you want to share, or a tip with our audience, before we wrap up? Amanda: Yes. I’d definitely like to say that anything’s possible. Don’t let anyone limit you in any way, because the only time there are limitations is when we say, “I’m giving up, I’ve had enough, I can’t do this.” That’s the only time we’re limited. Otherwise, there is really this endless flow of abundance that’s available to all of us once we learn how the universe works and really start to face up to our truths, whether our truth is that we need to be angry or sad or joyful or whatever it may be. To learn to deal with the emotions that are coming up and to really acknowledge and honour what you’re feeling and learn to work with those emotions; once we deal with all that, then there’s less self-doubt, and we’re more likely to believe that... have that inner strength to move forward and to really go for what we want in our life. We do live in an abundant universe. I’ve changed so many things in my life, my relationship, my job. I’m now doing this full time, and I love what I do, how much money I make, where I live. I have a house in nature. My relationship is so much more harmonious. These things have all been possible through really taking the Law of Attraction and doing all I can to work on myself, clear my energy, and master through my day to day life. It just brings endless possibilities. Kharisma: Beautiful. Thank you so much Amanda for being with us today. I know that our audience is really going to glean from this interview. It’s going to spark something in them if they haven’t tried but are open to the Law of Attraction. Thank you for being with me today. Amanda: You’re welcome. My pleasure. Thank you for having me. Raise Your Vibration. Change Your Life Abundance Life Coaching by Amanda Savona Learn more: M A G A Z I N E 145