The Kharisma Magazine The Kharisma Magazine (Full) Premiere Issue | Page 134

134 { HOW TO START A STRESS LESS REVO LUTION & DESIGN AN D A R E T O INTERVIEW WITH KARINA STEPHENS B E I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } M M O D E R N D AY A L C H E M I S T EFFORTLESS LIFE P R E M I E R K H A R I S M A M A G A Z I N E eet Karina Stephens, author of “The Stressless Revolution”, creator of the Enrich Virtual Retreat, and a modern-day alchemist. Kharisma: I’m so excited to learn all about how you leveraged your years of experience in the health wellness industry, to launching such a powerful, enriched Retreat and Spa. Karina: When I think back to when I first became an entrepreneur, it was probably a year before I had just ended a five-year emotionally abusive relationship, and I did two things differently this time. I stopped blaming him and took responsibility back to me, so I gave power back to myself; and the second thing was, I asked, Is this all there is to life?, as I was at my darkest at this time, and a resounding No came back, Stop looking outside of yourself. So, I went in search of answers internally, rather than trying to find the answers outside of me. It took me on a personal development and spiritual journey. A year later, I started my business and realized I was born to be an entrepreneur. This was my thing, this was my groove. I remember my grade 6 teacher telling my mom at report time, that I was boy-crazy and worked spasmodically. And I said, “Mom, the boys chase me.” And we went and looked up the word spasmodic, and nothing’s changed except, there’s only one guy chasing me now. I still work spasmodically, I still love to do something here, and then I’ll go over here. I might find that’s perfect for an entrepreneur because it gives me diversity and it gives me a great range of interests - and you need to do everything when you’re an entrepreneur. I started a massage and holistic business, and then developed the personal training on top of that, because I had the nursing background, and followed that through the years. Then, 10 years ago or 11 years ago now, I joined forces with my husband. I got married and moved to Sydney, Australia. He was already in a speaking and training business, so I joined forces with him, and I learnt all the backend and the online component of the business. I get to do everything that I love, and to give back to so many people, as well. So, that’s been my journey so far. I C O N I C D A R E T O B E I C O N I C 135