The Journal of mHealth Vol 3 Issue 1 (Feb/Mar 2016) | Page 31

Global mHealth Mapping Project Identifies Millions at Risk of Blindness The findings of the mapping include trachoma prevalence statistics for 29 countries at risk7 including Ethiopia, a high burden country where over 50 million people are living in endemic areas. Thanks to the android technology, the GTMP has been able to capture and record on the Trachoma Atlas database more districts in three years than had been ever previously been recorded. The project mapped in areas where no data previously existed because of remoteness, insecurity, insufficient funding, or competing public health priorities. Having a complete map of the disease’s prevalence means that ministries of health in endemic countries have the evidence base to focus health strategies to tackle the neglected tropical disease with WHO-approved interventions of surgery, antibiotics (through mass drug administration), face-cleanliness and environmental improvements (like sanitation). Ministries of health are now more equipped with accurate information to tackle this disease. mation was cleaned and analysed before being sent to local governments for review, approval and use. During the last three years, more than 550 teams of trained surveyors, including ophthalmic nurses and other government eye health care workers, have visited millions of people in sample households in the most remote locations of 29 countries, including Chad, Eritrea, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Colombia and Yemen. Dr Caroline Harper, CEO of Sightsavers, said: “The biggest infectious disease mapping exercise in history, ‘The Global Trachoma Mapping Project’ has been completed within agreed timescales and budget. Funded by the UK government, in partnership with the US and WHO, this creates a lasting platform which will underpin the drive to eliminate blinding trachoma, and will also contribute to efforts to eliminate other neglected tropical diseases. It demonstrates how critical accurate data is in the battle to eliminate diseases, and has been a tremendous exercise in collaboration and the use of mobile technology”. The teams carried out eye examinations and used mobile phones to record their findings, which were then sent to a data centre in Atlanta, USA. There, the infor- Trachoma is the leading infectious cause of blindness in the world, impairing the vision of around 2.2 million people, of whom 1.2 million are irreversibly blind. It is a health problem in around 51 countries, including Asia and the Middle East, with Africa carrying the bulk of the burden. The disease is mostly prevalent in poor, crowded communities with limited access to clean water and sanitation. In its initial stages, it mainly passes between children aged one to five, and the women who care for them. Ethiopia has the world’s highest trachoma prevalence, with an estimated 50 million people living in endemic areas. Yabeiywok Sema, who is 60 years old and lives with her husband and grandchildren, was diagnosed with trichiasis by the team of mappers who visited her house. “I had constant pain in my eye and could see less and less which made farming, my main source of income, difficult,” she says. “I didn’t visit the health clinic because I didn’t realise how serious the infection was or that free surgery was available. At times the pain was very bad and I would rub my eyes to try to make it stop.” Yabeiywok was referred to a local health clinic and had surgery one week later to stop her eyesight from deteriorating further. Trachoma is responsible for three per cent of the world’s blindness. It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, and is thought to be spread through personal contact (hands, clothing) and by flies that have been in contact with discharge from the eyes or nose of an infected person. After repeated infection it can develop into trichiasis – where the eyelids turn in and the lashes scrape the eyeball, causing great pain and leading to permanent blindness. Continued on page 30 The Journal of mHealth 29