The Journal of mHealth Vol 1 Issue 1 (Feb 2014) | Page 46

Health & Development Foundation - Survey Continued from page 43 Figure 10 A key goal of this program is to provide subscribers with important, timely information. How they use the text messages is a strong indicator of whether subscribers feel that the program is meeting this goal. The data shows that 62.4% regularly save text messages to refer to them later and 20.9% sometimes do so (fig.10). A much smaller number never did so (9.9%) or did so rarely (6.8%). Do you save text messages from SMSmame to refer to them later? 9.9% 6.8% Yes, on a regular basis Yes, sometimes 20.9% 62.4% Rarely No Another criteria demonstrating participant opinion of the program is whether or not they recommend it to others. Of all the respondents surveyed, 30% had recommended the service to at least one friend or acquaintance, and 42% had done so two or more times (fig.11). This high percentage of personal recommendations (72.3%) shows that the majority of respondents have an overall positive view of the usefulness and effectiveness of SMSmame. In conclusion, we can say that participant opinion of SMSmame is, overall, positive, as shown by the number of respondents who found message content useful enough to save it for further reference and the number who recommended the service to others. Figure 11 Have you recommended the SMS service to friends or acquaintances? 27.7% 42.3% Yes, two or more times Yes, once No 30.0% SATISFACTION WITH MESSAGE CONTENT AND FEEDBACK In order to determine the level of subscriber satisfaction with message content, a key element of program effectiveness, respondents were asked more specific questions about message topics. Pregnant women and new mothers were asked different sets of questions. Figure 12 Have you received useful information from the SMS service on the following topics? Recommendations to discuss specific topics with your doctor Healthy eating Information about alcohol, tobacco, and drug use Your emotional state during pregnancy Figure 12 shows that pregnant respondents received the largest amount of useful and relevant information on the following topics: 1) healthy eating (68.7%); 2) information about government benefits (62.6%); 3) warnings about flu and viral respiratory infection 47.5% 68.7% 36.4% 34.7% Work and pregnancy Physical exercise 49.5% 45.5% Information on government benefits Vaccinations Flu and virus epidemic warnings 62.6% 38.4% 59.6% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 44 February 2014