The Jist The Jist Of June | Page 23

have chosen) made the party look like a fresh and positive al- ternative after 18 years of Tory rule. This is now beginning to be mirrored in the appeal of Corbyn’s Labour. young people with artists such as Skepta, Stormzy & Wiley breaking into the charts with increasing regularity over the past decade. In 2016, grime artist Novelist declared public support for Jeremy Corbyn and was followed later that year by Stormzy, who referred to Cor- byn in an interview as “my man, Jeremy”. Early in this year’s election campaign influ- ential artist JME recorded and interview with Corbyn for Vice, where the man who said he had never voted as it hadn’t been able to see where it would make a difference for his This year has seen one of the most interesting grassroots po- litical movements of recent years: Grime4Corbyn. Grime is a genre which developed in London in the early 2000’s with influences from garage, hip- hop, jungle and dancehall. To- day it is one of the dominant urban music scenes in the UK and is incredibly popular with 23